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WINSCP uses SSH to log in key format too new/not a putty private key problem solving
In the project, the SSH certificate is used to interact with the bank for SFTP files. After using PuttyGen to generate the SSH public and private keys, and using WINSCP as the login tool, an error is reported not a putty private key. After downloading the latest version of WINSCP, an error is reported key format too new .
According to the error report of the new version, it is speculated that the private key version generated by PuttyGen may be too new, and WINSCP does not support the latest private key format.
So I found a way to generate a low-version PPK private key. After some tinkering, I finally found the V2 ppk generation method. here is the image.
Enter Key -> Parameters for saving key files…
Change PPK file version to 2.
Regenerate the PPK file
Import the newly generated PPK file into WINSCP again and it will be successful. Haha