Linux commands to view processes include: 1. PS command, which can check which processes are running and their running status; 2. Top command, which can display the status of each thread in real time; 3. Pstree command, This command displays the derivation relationship between processes in the form of a tree diagram; 4. Pgrep command and so on.
Third, Linux view process command: Pstree command
The pstree command is displayed in a tree diagram The derivation relationship between processes is more intuitive to display.
Pstree command syntax:
pstree (option)
-a displays the complete command and parameters -c repeats the process to display separately -c displays the process ID, PID – nArrange processes by PID
Fourth, Linux view process command: Pgrep command
The pgrep command searches the process from the running process queue based on the name, and Display the found process id. Each process ID is expressed as a decimal number, separated from the next ID by a split string, the default split string is a new line. For each property option, the user can specify a comma-separated set of possible values on the command line.
Pgrep command syntax:
pgrep (option) (parameter)
-l display process name and process PID -o process start ID -n process termination ID
The above is the detailed content of the linux view process command. For more information, please pay attention to other related articles on!