Please explain to me about the problem of setting up a cache in PHP, thank you
Back-end development | php tutorial flush, buffering, PHP, buffring, output Let me explain, thanks<?phpfor ($i=10; $i>0; $i–){ echo $i; / /flush(); sleep(1);}?> Huaian room card mahjong game source code, vscode basic skills, vm-ubuntu, tomcat running flask, SQLITE download TV series for free, Beijing One Technology company crawler, php 5.5.1, Changfeng seo network promotion company, what website has dynamic particles, ec mall template lzwPHP.INI setting: output_buffering = onHTML birthday wishes source code download, what software is used for vscode, ubuntu replaces the hard disk, tomcat If the log is popular, build a crawler framework, php forges the source to jump, the whole network bully screen marketing system seo tutorial, the website content editing tool lzw, does it mean that the previous 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 have to wait for the program to be executed, and output it together? Chrome downloads the webpage source code download, how to open ubuntu in vm, add verification code in tomcat, face crawler, php uses jwt, is there any seo system investment project platform lzw I will buffring now =off, but not output one by one, how should we understandThank you ——Solution———————Addob_flush ();flush();——Solution————————Focus on connection——Solution———————— />I have never encountered such…
Mysql queries whether the first ten rows of data sorted in reverse order contain a certain key word, please help solve it by PHP experts, thank you
select * from member where data!=” order by time desc Limit 0,10 The data in the first ten lines are arranged in reverse order above, how can we further compare the number of key words in these ten lines of data? That is: data like ‘%$keyword%’ How many of the above 10 items contain the keyword? 17 solutions #1 select * from ( select * from member where data!=” order by time desc Limit 0,10 )T where data like ‘%$keyword%’ #2 select * from (select * from member where data!=”order by time desc limit 0,10 )a where data like’%$keyword%’ #3 Reply quoted from floor 1: select * from ( select * from member where data!=” order by time desc Limit 0,10 )T where data like ‘%$keyword%’ I tested it, and got an error: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in Please help me #4 Quoting the reply from the 2nd floor: select * from (select * from member where data!=”order by time desc limit 0,10 )a where data like’%$keyword%’ It is also wrong to replace T with a: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in Please help me to have…
The company wants to use the OA system, is it better to use ASP.NET or PHP? Please explain the advantages and disadvantages, come have a share, thank you!
The company wants to use the OA system, is it better to use ASP.NET or PHP? Please explain the advantages and disadvantages, come have a share, thank you! 52 solutions #1 As long as it meets the company’s requirements, it’s fine. #2 For software. NET website with PHP #3 For .net, you can only run on the M$ system… #4 PHP/Linux is stable! M$ stuff is easy to get sick. #5 UP yourself #6 .Net should not be restricted by the operating system. Many people compare .net with jsp. I think it should be much better than php. #7 🙂 UP is up again To put it bluntly, you see which core technologies you will use to improve your OA If it’s just WEB programming (for example, you don’t use COM, controls, etc.) or use PHP If you are developing middleware yourself, it depends on your middleware development environment If you must do development on MS, you should use .net. If you are doing core development on Linux Choosing PHP is a good choice ———– If you consider it from the genuine point of view (foreign countries attach great importance to it~) The cost of developing with PHP is much…
How to write the unique identifier in the phpJS form, please guide, thank you!
php form javascrpit layer += ‘ register x’; layer += ‘ ‘; layer += ”; I can’t write it like this, but I don’t know how to write it. Is it okay to write in the PHP file of a verification form after the JS form jumps. . But did the generated uniqid change again?
Ask php to save the data program, thank you!
My little brother has a website for data query. It is expected that the amount of data will be large. At first, I wanted to insert it into mysql for the convenience of query, but the actual amount of data inserted every day may be more than 100M. If I use mysql to estimate the cost increase, I don’t know how efficient it is. Sample. So I want to save the data in the form of a file. I have considered txt, xml, so it is not a problem to read the file if it is a little troublesome. But I recently thought, can it be saved as a file by serialization? (Because my data is essentially some array data), if it is all serialized and deserialized directly when reading, then the efficiency should be much faster? I want to hear the opinions of experts, thank you! ! 8 solutions #1 The number of query reads should be orders of magnitude more than writes, right? If you don’t use files for the database, IO will consume the machine to death #2 Quoting the reply from snmr_com on the 1st floor: The number of query reads should be orders of magnitude…
runy and php_original how to modify PHP webpage, I will give you all the points I want, thank you
Original-How to modify PHP webpage ,I will give you all the points I want,Thank you (2011-04-15 20:31:36) Label : L’Occitane Miscellaneous talk In the past, I wanted to change the ASP webpage, after opening it with DW, http://hr., you can see the text and pictures, and you can modify it directly. Now you open the PHP webpage, the content is blank, and there are many codes in the code, please help How can I modify the PHP file intuitively like modifying ASP, thank you, my friend who explained in detail, I will give you everything, thank you! You should find the corresponding HTML page, now PHP They are all written in templates, that is, PHP code and HTML code are written separately, in order to separate those who write functions from those who write paradigms (that is, CSS), without delay. If you want to change the format and structure, you need to find the dynamic page corresponding to PHP. I don’t know what template your software uses, so your dynamic page may not necessarily be HTML Yes, it may be TPL or something else, you need to know about it,’Occitane. There is no need to modify the PHP…
There is a problem with crontab implementation per second PHPthinkjiaoben, please teach me, thank you
There is a problem with crontab executing every second php think jiaoben, please teach me, thank you First: there is no problem with crontab executing every second */1 * * * * php /home/www/ygkj/think jiaoben Second: There is a problem with crontab executing every second, it will not succeedThe content of the shell script file:#!/bin/bashstep=2 #The number of seconds in the interval, cannot be greater than 60for (( i = 0; i <60; i=(i+step) )); do php /home/www/ygkj/think jiaobensleep $stepdoneexit 0 Trouble, thanks, This sentence is wrong, how should I write it? php /home/www/ygkj/think jiaoben Change to $(php ‘/home/www/ygkj/think jiaoben’)It doesn’t work either 1st postscript · 113 days ago @Everyone,I have solved the problem, the solution is as follows, thank yoush file content, sh got 777 Maybe there is a pit shell script to solve “/bin/bash^ M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory” After adding the scheduled task, you have to check whether the log is running successfully tail -f /var/log/cron If you have any problems, Baidu in time There is a problem with crontab executing every second, php think jiaoben, please teach me, thank you First: there is no problem with crontab executing every second */1 * *…
Please God help decrypt a php file, just want to know if there is a back door, thank you!
Hi everyone,I bought a php plug-in before, but some codes are encrypted, and I have been worried that there is a back door. I want to verify it, but I have no choice but to decrypt it for a day. I hope the master can help me to take a look, thank you ! The code is as follows: 1 d540c5a45a243842e769a775b029071d dkx1VnVDSDlaOWwyUHY0Vmk4YXJ1YzY4bWdUbGpLNTJ3TjFIdmYxTXNjSWtzWkxzRnZ6TlVDdm5Sdm5LUE1NeVdmY2VjN2RLdSszbEw5c3hXYnNCSlJPVCtNSTF1ZHMvdWtlb1FMMy tmeGVNUG55Wjc3QXJFVGFpUFBRYXlxQkxrYmM0NTl2TE9NaFZ6ZzcwT3QrS3dFR0p4amh1UE1RRzRmWmVlelZRV01HYjdkTU1IWjRSeHdCamU5dmtPVkdZeVZBbTRhN1A4c0VDczhsd 1gxUmZjeEE5emgzbnlvaVVqVUVjRzdkK29MWit2WTJ1N2hQanVRRitlVU8rWBySTRyTHUyS2YwcmMwbmI0Q3BscUU2M3VEU2pOQnlOaytCaERBTzBHbzgwYytiamh1cG04aW5ab zZ2SUxvTHEwYnFpWGpXb0xXK2g5NzBwM0UwL0ZIeVJrVEVmM3BwOHBvbnVtTTExMmUvOHhJZWxyQ29yY0xhQWFOaS93SnJBL0FKOTRIQjIwWVVaQUUwN3ZlQXpleDFUUTl3eDNON2NPa1 B3NE4rNWVsMER1L3huNWVTZGp2d2RQdFEydzhRaytEcDRwbTNRN0JrRFEvQjArS1VKYS9sWW02℡XovUUNYUXBadzlPNW5QK1FNVSthY3FDZkE2STgzWTdud2xvdHR3MjBBMDhNUG5uaX FIQzJobmZtZ050eU8waTRESERING83WTBGZ1JyQjIvZ2NjWjVObjlIdkM1THJkbUxoNkd0LzJ3NHNUYkVYamlDcm1JOStOdFM1Q0JEbVFQc0N4d1hHQ2ZvbjRkV1ZFTUV1bGxCT2ulTHpLWG lBSmYxVllVdWU3SUtXREo2T2oyTjRvazMzb2FEdFgzN24zaTl3b2NNc3k5TytIZzhjUkdQUFI0b?痴RWmY5NGRtWkRRSWREYk5rUGdjY0RLT3ZKNWw蛌bU82Slk3bzQ1bVgreUhTOE0y NHhUekxUStRsbnVlemcwWkZ6b29iampFRE9nZmNpaGV6QXN3TW8raTVqdEViZDkvbEhn092dDlYTzZIaldtRFdVVHRuRHFBVEg0YTBoMTk4bXoxNmtqc2tHVHUzSXBZR210RFU3aUNuUG 54VkxEVTJ3WGp1d0JxZzRUdGVhZEdFZEhQMTd5QW1DYUp6RGJTUEx5M3E1cTlJN3UxQWFrYmt3cTlOOXNRTWRRb29VSE9lUCs1d05Qemo4eDFLL2owMnZqTWRQSG9kWm5oK21Lb zE2bGpwR2p0TnltaXZsSHNhV0tDNy9EZWY1V2lQUTF4K1FDbWRlQmlONW1VZlVqRHpnU3h2Snk2dDhha2tXQWMvUWJwZWVMZ3pVN0Q1WTgxQVdMeTVaai?mL0M2STYwcGViY0diczVi Tm9JZGdUSzgvb1lXZjNVY1ZiR0FEMWhkQUNIdUlwdGFFcmw5WGo3WHJWdk9RNmZoeTQrNEhVV09XdEVONHlUSmh4V0Y3QVFyNENPOWdkNGVuUUErTENVYz眃0UHpKQWhEY29ZVjdsY1F sSlJLb0JnTHpCcHJ縪T0hUK1dBWkFDOUYxemd2dktxNkhrQ3l5TEErQ0dRb2F3TUN4OEhrb1gwQmp5S0dydXBzdFFRZUu8REdtVUt4YTdxNzJzSlFlNFZKOWsvZVEzSEVBeTNrb1dkYl plVUFNMDA0akNUZU9RNnJ6YTdyWWdoRURqdmk0Q0l1MzNGTUZPMFpkWlFPVHhHallXNnVNdVZueENCdXl6a3FRMVhxM2hGMldXUU85MTlZcFVaa2lFTFFlRjJyVUdBZGNqeEx0bzNQQ0dqVmN tUENjNUlMa00xVktmaHp6dDJqTmNiZkVoRGFjUS9ueWQwNElTUXNvclh0YVVjOG9LNkIvNmx3RGNodHliUzFXRkpHRUlIZ0hwV25INmNlYlVQcjlvcTZiSjA2N0JjWWJrTUJEUUVXbW U1MmlnbTFuU?NMbmQ1dEQrOURKoHd1d謓lNQW9QeXpCdVRBbGdEYmZUWUh0bGdSRElVUEYyWjVGQWFzQ1BLNEpQN2NYhjY1S3ZEUWNhT0MvTmdBdXlUNEJWbmlOekhJTlJIM05adXdk UkpuaXlUQVFuZbB2QncvTmsxNUZIbVVzZUZSV2JIc0NnNWNaMjRuRGNiVnM5aTFkQWwyRWg4SLJaUitWcnhSQkI4T1U4OFlML25hb?FUTzN0blhpZkhhcUEzMVRisklNdG1NVS9qemk2ZmN2 TkI5QkJ6SWFDRzg0ZWxUNVhKNFVWdXVmbkJjdG9kZUpLOEM2OXE3WnpmM21nTVhyU2RBdnVOaHVayXBzNUZvNDmBV3NEY2F4VU1NUGpYNUVJcjRDYldPMnJidk83cThFNXdMTFY2dTkvVFVGU 2I3ZnI5eVAvNVJlLzkzdC8rZjhCRVBBNzRRPT0nKSkpOw==’));return;?>d540c5a45a243842e769a775b029071d g5NzBwM0UwL0ZIeVJrVEVmM3BwOHBvbnVtTTExMmUvOHhJZWxyQ29yY0xhQWFOaS93SnJBL0FKOTRIQjIwWVVaQUUwN3ZlQXpleDFUUTl3eDNON2NPa1B3NE4rNWVsMER1L3huNWVTZGp 2d2RQdFEydzhRaytEcDRwbTNRN0JrRFEvQjArS1VKYS9sWW02℡XovUUNYUXBadzlPNW5QK1FNVSthY3FDZkE2STgzWTdud2xvdHR3MjBBMDhNUG5uaXFIQzJobmZtZ050eU8waTRESERING83 WTBGZ1JyQjIvZ2NjWjVObjlIdkM1THJkbUxoNkd0LzJ3NHNUYkVYamlDcm1JOStOdFM1Q0JEbVFQc0N4d1hHQ2ZvbjRkV1ZFTUV1bGxCT2ulTHpLWGlBSmYxVllVdWU3SUtXREo2T2oyT jRvazMzb2FEdFgzN24zaTl3b2NNc3k5TytIZzhjUkdQUFI0b?RWmY5NGRtWkRRSWREYk5rUGdjY0RLT3ZKNWw蛌bU82Slk3bzQ1bVgreUhTOE0yNHhUekxUStRsbnVlemcwWkZ6b 29iampFRE9nZmNpaGV6QXN3TW8raTVqdEViZDkvbEhn 092dDlYTzZIaldtRFdVVHRuRHFBVEg0YTBoMTk4bXoxNmtqc2tHVHUzSXBZR210RFU3aUNuUG54VkxEVTJ3WGp1d0JxZzRUd GVhZEdFZEhQMTd5QW1DYUp6RGJTUEx5M3E1cTlJN3UxQWFrYmt3cTlOOXNRTWRRb29VSE9lUCs1d05Qemo4eDFLL2owMnZqTWRQSG9kWm5oK21LbzE2bGpwR2p0TnltaXZsSHNhV 0tDNy9EZWY1V2lQUTF4K1FDbWRlQmlONW1VZlVqRHpnU3h2Snk2dDhha2tXQWMvUWJwZWVMZ3pVN0Q1WTgxQVdMeTVaai?mL0M2STYwcGViY0diczViTm9JZGdUSzgvb1lXZjNVY1Z iR0FEMWhkQUNIdUlwdGFFcmw5WGo3WHJWdk9RNmZoeTQrNEhVV09XdEVONHlUSmh4V0Y3QVFyNENPOWdkNGVuUUErTENVYz眃0UHpKQWhEY29ZVjdsY1FsSlJLb0JnTHpCcHJ縪T0hU K1dBWkFDOUYxemd2dktxNkhrQ3l5TEErQ0dRb2F3TUN4OEhrb1gwQmp5S0dydXBzdFFRZUu8REdtVUt4YTdxNzJzSlFlNFZKOWsvZVEzSEVBeTNrb1dkYlplVUFNMDA0akNUZU9RNnJ6YTdy WWdoRURqdmk0Q0l1MzNGTUZPMFpkWlFPVHhHallXNnVNdVZueENCdXl6a3FRMVhxM2hGMldXUU85MTlZcFVaa2lFTFFlRjJyVUdBZGNqeEx0bzNQQ0dqVmNtUENjNUlMa00xVktmaHp6dDJq TmNiZkVoRGFjUS9ueWQwNElTUXNvclh0YVVjOG9LNkIvNmx3RGNodHliUzFXRkpHRUlIZ0hwV25INmNlYlVQcjlvcTZiSjA2N0JjWWJrTUJEUUVXbWU1MmlnbTFuU?NMbmQ1dEQrOUR KoHd1d謓lNQW9QeXpCdVRBbGdEYmZUWUh0bGdSRElVUEYyWjVGQWFzQ1BLNEpQN2NYhjY1S3ZEUWNhT0MvTmdBdXlUNEJWbmlOekhJTlJIM05adXdkUkpuaXlUQVFuZbB2QncvTmsxNU ZIbVVzZUZSV2JIc0NnNWNaMjRuRGNiVnM5aTFkQWwyRWg4SLJaUitWcnhSQkI4T1U4OFlML25hb?FUTzN0blhpZkhhcUEzMVRisklNdG1NVS9qemk2ZmN2TkI5QkJ6SWFDRzg0ZWxUNVhKNF VWdXVmbkJjdG9kZUpLOEM2OXE3WnpmM21nTVhyU2RBdnVOaHVayXBzNUZvNDmBV3NEY2F4VU1NUGpYNUVJcjRDYldPMnJidk83cThFNXdMTFY2dTkvVFVGU2I3ZnI5eVAvNVJlLzkzdC8r ZjhCRVBBNzRRPT0nKSkpOw==’));return;?>d540c5a45a243842e769a775b029071d
json string, Chinese Unicode encoding, PHP parsing problem, thank you!… The interface returns such data, 1234 {“code”:0,”data”:{“ip”:”″,”country”:”\u4e2d\u56fd”,”area”:”\u534e\u5317″ , “region”:”\u5317\u4eac\u5e02″,”city”:”\u5317\u4eac\u5e02″,”county”:””,”isp”:”\u7535\u4fe1 “, “country_id”:”86″,”area_id”:”100000″,”region_id”:”110000″,”city_id”:”110000″, “county_id “:”-1″,”isp_id”:”100017″}} Like this 1 “region”:”\u5317\u4eac\u5e02″,”city”:”\u5317\u4eac\u5e02″ How does php parse out the correct Chinese characters? Thank you!