How does Goutte get the url in the a tag, or a useful PHP crawler library, thank you
How does Goutte get the url in the a tag? Or a useful PHP crawler library, thank you [], ‘link’ => [], ‘content’ => [], ‘source’ => [], ‘date’ => [], ]; public function __construct() { try { $this->_client = new Client(); $this->_crawler = $this->_client->request(‘GET’, ‘’); // $client->getClient()->setDefaultOption(‘config/curl/’.CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new \Exception($e->getMessage(), 1); } } public function getDate() { $this->_crawler->filter(‘p#list>ul>li>span’)->each(function ($node) { $this->_news[‘date’][] = $node->text(); }); } public function getTitle() { $link = $this->_crawler->selectLink(‘Ningshan County held the 22nd Standing Committee of the Eighth CPPCC National Committee’)->link(); var_dump($link->getUri);die; $this->_crawler->filter(‘p#list>ul>li>a’)->each(function ($node) { if ($node->text() !== ‘Ningshan News’) { $this->_news[‘title’][] = $node->text(); $this->_news[‘link’][] = $node->link(); $this->_news[‘source’][] = ‘Ningshan News’; } }); } } //———————————- try { $spider = new Spider(); $spider->getDate(); $spider->getTitle(); echo json_encode($spider->_news, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } Reply content: How does Goutte get the url in the a tag? Or a useful PHP crawler library, thank you [], ‘link’ => [], ‘content’ => [], ‘source’ => [], ‘date’ => [], ]; public function __construct() { try { $this->_client = new Client(); $this->_crawler = $this->_client->request(‘GET’, ‘’); // $client->getClient()->setDefaultOption(‘config/curl/’.CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new \Exception($e->getMessage(), 1); } } public function getDate()…
Hello everyone, I have a question about using goto, thank you.
The goto statement is used in the following program, but an error message appears Application->Initialize(); Form2=new TForm2(Application); Form2->Show(); Form2->Update(); Sleep(2000); Form2->Hide(); Delete Form2; StartHere: Form4=new TForm4(Application); Form4->ShowModal(); if (Form4->ModalResult==mrOk) Delete Form4; //Form4->Close(); else if (Form4->ModalResult==mrYes) Application->Terminate(); else Delete Form4; goto StartHere; This is the error prompt: [C++ Error] rsgl.cpp(47): E2202 Goto into an exception handler is not allowed What is the reason? Please help. 6 solutions #1 By doing this, of course, you are now nesting calls that call themselves. You are in starthere and call starthere #2 It’s wrong for you to call like this, because you are nesting calls and calling yourself. #3 It is wrong for you to call like this. You are calling yourself, nested calls. #4 Still using goto? Down! Isn’t it the same with while? Application->Initialize(); Form2=new TForm2(Application); Form2->Show(); Form2->Update(); Sleep(2000); Form2->Hide(); Delete Form2; while(1) Form4=new TForm4(Application); switch (Form4->ShowModal()) { case mrOK: delete Form4; break; case mrYES: Application->Terminate(); break; …
Django multi-table continuous foreign key association problem, thank you
1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738 Let me first talk about the problems I encountered,There are four tables below, ;Each table is a foreign key to another table. When there are four tables,When I look up table D,get the name of table A,I can’t get it out,It’s not that I can’t get out the value,I use double Underscore (__) does not produce deptname But when I perform the same operation with three tables, , can__ produce deptname. confuse. . . . . . save. . . I. . . . class A(models.Model): dept = models.CharField(primary_key=True) deptname = models.CharField(max_length=255) def __str__(self): return self.dept class Meta(): verbose_name_plural = 'A' class B(models.Model): pgid = models.CharField(primary_key=True) pgname = models.CharField(max_length=255) fded = models.ForeignKey('A', on_delete=models.CASCADE) def __str__(self): return self.pgid class Meta(): verbose_name_plural = 'B' class C(models.Model): pid = models.CharField(primary_key=True) pname = models.CharField(max_length=255) fpgd = models.ForeignKey('B', on_delete=models.CASCADE ) def __str__(self): return class Meta(): verbose_name_plural = 'C' class D(models.Model): psid = models.CharField(primary_key=True) psname = models.CharField(max_length& #061;255) fpd = models.ForeignKey('C', on_delete=models.CASCADE ) def __str__(self): return self.psid class Meta(): verbose_name_plural = 'D' When I want to get the deptname of table A in D, the following code 1 result = D.objects.all() 1 deptname = result.values('fpd__fpgd__fded__deptname') There is no deptname in fpd__fpgd__fded here, so it…

I want to use KDevelop to learn Java, please help, thank you!
php Write your review! Come on, watch it all Member login | User registration Recommended reading php gitlab reset password I didn’t learn Ruby very much, and I forgot the rootpassword of the gitlab I built myself. Fortunately, I saw this post and tried it http:roland.kierkels.netgitreset-your-git… [detailed] Crayon Shin-chan 2023-10-17 22:22:07 sum Chapter 8 Using External and Internal Links 8.1 Use the web address LearnAboutafricanelephants. … [detailed] Crayon Shin-chan 2023-10-17 21:55:36
api-PHP calls the Java email service, and some garbled characters are found in the inbox. Could you please show me, thank you.
$cOntent= ‘live’; $email = ‘’; $myHttp = new MyHttp(); $data = array( ‘tenantid’ => UserLogicModel::getTenantId(),//tenant id ‘suject’ => $subject, ‘text’ => base64_encode($content), ‘tomail’ => $email, ‘attachmentPath’ => $attachmentPath, //”attachmentPath”:”/usr/local/files/job offer notice.doc”, ‘attachmentName’ => $attachmentName, //”attachmentName”:”Entry offer notice.doc” ); $json_data = json_encode($data); $params = “params=”.$json_data; $res = $myHttp->send(Dict::$STATIC_SEND_MAIL_URL, $params, “POST”, “”); class MyHttp { //Send network request public function send($url,$data,$method,$token){ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, ‘Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)’); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); //$header = array( // ‘u:1234567777’, // ‘t:1234568888’, //); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(‘token:$token’)); $tmpInfo = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { return curl_error($ch); } $stat=curl_getinfo($ch,CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); //I know the HTTPSTAT code~ curl_close($ch); switch ($stat) { case ‘200’: if(empty($tmpInfo)) $tmpInfo='{“stat”:”ok”}’; break; default: #code… break; } if(empty($tmpInfo)) $tmpInfo=””; //Record the communication data with the api interface to the log \Think\Log::write(“http $method req[$stat]:res($tmpInfo)”,’ALERT’); return $tmpInfo; } The above is the curl code for requesting the java interface. No matter how I ask, I add specified charset=UTF-8, java side $head = array(“Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8”); //Solve the garbled problem of Java interface and directly throw json data curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,$head); After adding this code, the parameters will…
Now how do I use java to call the data in sap? I’m a novice on what technology to use, thank you!
Now I want to use java to call the data in sap. How to do it? What technology is used? Novice. Thank you! You can call RFC directly or publish RFC as webservce, or directly use DB connection. About java to obtain data in sap through rfc interface, does tableParams return two-dimensional data, and how to get the value? JCO.ParameterList tableParams = function.getTableParameterList (); refers to obtaining the Tables parameter list in the RFC, and then using the tableParams.getTable() method to obtain the JCoTable table. To obtain the specific data table, you need to use table.firstRow(), table.nextRow();table.getString();table .getDouble() and other methods traverse to obtain the value of each field. getFieldCount() and getNumRows() can obtain the number of columns and rows of the table respectively. Let me ask the experts again, who has used JAVA to access data in SAP? It’s a very simple question. You can use RFC_READ_TABLE, orTABLE_ENTRIES_GET_VIA_RFC to directly grab the saptable data. I have been engaged in ERP software development for many years and have 3 years of working experience in SAPMM&Abap. Existing full set of R/346c implementation materials (large international foreign companies): including MM, PP, SD, FI, CO, EDI1.Overivewtraining2.To-Bedocument3.TTT (TrainTheTrainer)4.Configuation5.UAT (UserAcceptanceTest)6.Authorization7.Dataconversion(templatesandadd-onprograms)8.add-onfunctionspecifications9.Basistechnology(DBAdmin,Installation,Printingsettings,SystemAdmin,authorization,transport,….)……R/34.6 standard training materials: 1.Word Document,…
May I ask, how to use getter() and setter() in java? Please give a simple example, thank you!
Excuse me, how to use getter() and setter() in java? Please give a simple example, thank you! The get set method is mainly used to control access rights. Generally, the attributes in the class are set to private and cannot be directly accessed from outside the class. 1. When it needs to be read, it is obtained through the get method. 2. When it needs to be modified. It is safer to set the program through the set method. For example, class Cat{ private String color; public Cat(String color){ this.color = color; }public String getColor(){ return this.color; }} In this example, it is a cat class, and its color is the same as It is something you are born with and generally cannot be changed. So set its color in the constructor. After a Cat object is created, you can only get its color, but not set it. How to use the setter method to set the array after java encapsulates it with privata Your error is x<this.emps[].length in the for statement This.emps[] refers to a member variable, but the member variable emps has not been assigned a value and is still a null reference. How can you .length? Remove…
Please download the full text of “The Art of JavaScriptDOM Programming” for free from Baidu Netdisk resources, thank you~
Please download the full text of “Javascript DOM Programming Art” for free from Baidu Netdisk resources, thank you~ “Javascript DOM Programming Art” Baidu Netdisk pdf latest complete set download: Link: com/s/1-_vYmPfUVIue4p7uDqHDDQ ?pwd=g9nc Extraction code: g9nc Introduction: Javascript is the most important language in Web development. It is powerful and beautiful. Whether it is desktop development or mobile applications. Javascript is a technology that must be mastered. W3C’s DOM standard is the cornerstone of developing Web applications. It is supported by all modern browsers, making cross-platform web development a breeze. “The Art of Javascript DOM Programming (2nd Edition)” pdf download for online reading, please ask for Baidu Netdisk cloud resources “The Art of Javascript DOM Programming (2nd Edition)” ([English] Jeremy Keith) e-book network disk download free online reading Resource link: Link: Extraction code: 47ci Book title: The Art of Javascript DOM Programming (2nd Edition) Author: [English] Jeremy Keith Translator: Yang Tao Douban score: 8.6 Publisher: People’s Posts and Telecommunications Press Year of publication: 2011-4 Number of pages: 300 brief introduction: Javascript is the most important language in web development. It is powerful and beautiful. Whether it is desktop development or mobile applications. Javascript is a technology that must be…
Please recommend a book for learning JavaScript, thank you
Please recommend a book for learning Javascript, thank you The first recommended book for getting started: “Javascript DOM Programming Art” has a high online rating. My js also started from this book, and I read it over and over again. I have read it 3 times. The content of the book is simple, easy to learn, quick to get started, and the programming ideas are rigorous. A good introductory book will have a profound impact on your future programming. This book lives up to this historical mission. Basic learning books: “The Definitive Guide to Javascript” “The Definitive Guide to Javascript” introduces the various functions and features of Javascript in detail. As for the approximately 500 pages of references (Javascript core reference, client-side Javascript reference, and DOM reference), you can ignore them for now. Advanced improvement book: “Javascript Advanced Programming” emphasizes the concept of OPP ideologically, and focuses on practical content. You can learn more and more detailed knowledge from it, and pays attention to solving browser differences. But if you want to read it, you must have a certain foundation in Javascript (or have read the first two books), otherwise it will bring frustration and dampen the enthusiasm for learning.…