Table space related commands and query SQL
Table space related commands and query SQL
Table space related commands and query SQL the 1. Delete the tablespace and data files drop tablespace TS_GLOBAL_01 including contents and datafiles; 2. Delete data files offline alter database datafile '/oradata/DTCDB/TS_INDEX_02' offline drop; 3. Automatic rollback tablespace file deletion alter tablespace undotbs add datafile '/oradata/DTCDB/undotbs_01.dbf'; the 4. Create an automatic rollback tablespace file create undo tablespace undotbs02 datafile '/oradata/DTCDB/undotbs_02.dbf' size 10M; 5. Query segment, data file information select distinct t1.owner, /*t1.segment_name,*/ t1.segment_type, t1.segment_subtype, t2.* from dba_segments t1, dba_data_files t2 where t1.tablespace_name = t2.tablespace_name –and t2.file_name = '/opt/oracle/11g/dbs/TS_INDEX_01' and t2.tablespace_name = & # 39; TS_INDEX_01 & # 39; order by t1.owner, t2.file_name select t.file# ,t.status,t1.file_name from v$datafile t ,dba_data_files t1 where t.file# = t1.file_id and t.STATUS='RECOVER'; the 6. Empty the global recycling manager purge dba_recyclebin; 7. Query all segment information select t.owner, sum(t.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 as size_g from dba_segments t –where t.segment_type = 'TABLE' group by t.owner order by t. owner; 8. Query the physical space occupied by the tablespace file select t. tablespace_name, trunc(t.bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 3) as size_g, t.file_name, t.online_status from dba_data_files t where t.tablespace_name like & # 39; TS_% & # 39; and t.bytes / 1024 / 1024…