
C, go, python, java, php and node.js simple loop accumulation operation speed test [test demo is for reference only]

2019 Unicorn Enterprises Recruit Python Engineer Standards with Large Money>>> Before, I briefly tested the “hello ***” page of node.js and python, and also did a loop test. This time, the main language of java and go is added. Mainly I want to see the speed of the four mainstream scripts: java, python, php, and c. Both use for loops to perform simple accumulation tests. My personal skills are limited, so I only took a simple test for reference. The experimental environment uses a Linux 64-bit server, the operating system is contos 5.4, php version 5.1.6, python version 2.6.6, node.js version 0.4.12, java version 1.6.0_03, gcc version 4.1.2 2008070, go language 1.0.2. 1. Script writing php script # cat test.php 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <? $m=0; for (;$i<10000000;$i++) { $m=$m+$i; } echo $m; ?> td> python script # cat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 #!/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- def main(): j = 0; for i in xrange(10000000): j=j+i print j if __name__==”__main__”: main() node.js script # cat test.js 1 2 3 4 5 var j=0; for (i = 0; i <10000000; i++ ) { j=j+i } console.log(j); td> Java code:…

pythonphp performance comparison_golang, python, php, c++, c, java performance comparison

Original title:Performance comparison of golang, python, php, c++, c, and java Golang, python, php, c+& in 2017 #43;, c, java, Nodejs performance comparison When I was working on PHP/C’/Go/Py, I had a sudden idea and wanted to make it mainstream recently. To make a simple comparison of the performance of programming languages ​​- as for how to compare – we still have to use the magical Fibonacci algorithm. Maybe it’s more commonly used or fun. Okay,talk is cheap, show me your code! Open Mac,Click on Clion and start coding! 1. Why is the first What about Go? Because I personally am using it recently and it feels very good. package main import “fmt” func main{ fmt.Println(fibonacci(34)) } func fibonacci(i int ) int{ if(i<2){ return i; } return fibonacci(i-2) + fibonacci(i-1); } Let’s take a look with Go1.7 first&#xff1a ; qiangjian@localhost:/works/learnCPP$ go version && time go build fib.go && time ./fib go version go1.7.5 darwin/amd64 real 0m0.206s user 0m0.165s sys 0m0.059s 5702887 real 0m0.052s user 0m0.045s sys 0m0.004s Then,Look at 1.8’s: qiangjian@localhost: /works/learnCPP$ go18 version && time go18 build fib.go && time ./fib go version go1.8 darwin/amd64 real 0m0.204s user 0m0.153s sys 0m0.062s 5702887 real 0m0.051s user 0m0.045s sys 0m0 .003s…

C, C++, C#, python, java programming – the use of classes

c# python java Programming c language include ios get int Write your review! Come on, watch it all Member login | User registration Recommended reading (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); <!– –> .syntaxhighlighter{ width: 740px; padding-top:40px;padding-bottom:20px; border: 1px solid #333; background: url(“/style/SyntaxHighlighter/top_bg.svg”); background-size: 43px; background-repeat: no-repeat; margin-bottom: -7px; border-radius: 15px; background-position: 16px 12px; padding-left: 10px; } .gutter{ display: none; }

C, java, Python, the world behind these names!

C, java, Python, the world behind these names!

I still remember one time when we were in high school, our computer The teacher asked our class if we wanted to participate in the C language competition in the city. I was still young and had no idea about the programming world. At that time, I thought, why is C language, then what are language A, language B or language D? Later I went to university and learned computer knowledge before I realized what C language was. However, have you ever wondered for a moment why it is called C language and Java is called Java instead of J language? Today I will take you to understand the story behind the name of the programming language~ Java TodaytheJavatechnologystackhasbeensowidelyusedinWeb,Android,bigdataandsoon.ButyoumaynotknowthatJavawasoriginallydesignedforinteractivetelevision,anditsoriginalnamewasnotJava,butOak. ButlaterIdiscoveredthatthenameOakcannotbeusedbecauseithasalreadybeenregistered.Tothisend,Sunorganizedabrainstormingsession.Weallknowthatitiseasiestforonepersontocomeupwithaname,butwitheachadditionalperson,thedifficultyofnamingincreasesexponentially.Theremusthavebeenabouttenpeopleinvolvedinnamingthenameatthattime.Afterextensivediscussionsandrandomthoughts,dozensofnameswerefinallyproduced.Aftersomeselectionanddiscussion,thenumberofnameswasreducedtoadozen.InadditiontoJava,thenamesonthelistincludeSilk,Lyric,Pepper,NetProse,Neon…etc. Thepeopleatthemeetingdecidedtoselectthefinalnamefromthesedozennames.Thenumberonenamewas”Silk”,andmanypeopleagreed(whatarisk,JavaalmostbecameSilk),butJamesGosling(thefatherofJava)objected,soeveryonehadtogiveup,andthesecondandthirdrankedoneswererejectedbylawyers.Intheend,thefourthrankedJavawasacceptedbyeveryone(applause),ThisiswhywearenowfamiliarwiththeJavalanguage. Let’stalkalittlebitmoreaboutthenameJava.JavaistheEnglishnameoftheIndonesianislandofJava,whichisfamousforitscoffeeproduction.ManycoffeeshopsabroaduseJavaintheirnamesorpromotionstohighlightthequalityoftheircoffee.ManylibraryclassnamesintheJavalanguagearemostlyrelatedtocoffee,suchasJavaBeans(coffeebeans),NetBeans(networkbeans),ObjectBeans(objectbeans),etc. Python Python has been very popular in recent years (this word cannot be used this way, but everyone seems to like to use it this way, so I use it this way). Its name is also quite interesting, meaning python. This is because Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, liked to watch a BBC program “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” at that time. It happened that Guido van Rossum needed a short, unique and slightly mysterious name, so…

Java, Python, C++, PHP and JavaScript, which programming language should we choose?

Sometimes “we all make short-term and long-term plans for our future” in order to achieve the goals we have set. And for some people who are very interested in programming languages, how to choose a suitable one? Your own programming language is the most important. I believe that programmers will not be unfamiliar with programming languages ​​because they are used every day to perform complex tasks at hand. However, for beginners, there are still some questions: “What programming language should I learn?” So let’s take a look at what the following five programming languages ​​mainly do? p> 1.Java Java has the characteristics of cross-platform, object-oriented, and generic programming. It is very popular among enterprises and is widely used in enterprise-level Web application development and Mobile application development. Java has developed to the present and is divided into three main parts according to application: J2SE, J2ME, and J2EE. The three applications have different scopes but complement each other. Widely used in PCs, data centers, game consoles, scientific supercomputers, mobile phones and the Internet – and has the world’s largest professional community of developers. Java has developed with the rapid development of the Internet and has gradually become an important network programming…

Why are the installation packages under java, haskell, python, and erlangwin so large, ranging from dozens to hundreds of megabytes?

Reply content: If you use Node.js, if you don’t use npm to pull down tens or hundreds of megabytes of stuff, will it work? The python installation package seems to be only about ten meters in size.I just started using node yesterday. When I installed it, it was only 5 meters in size. I thought it was very lightweight. When you started writing code, didn’t you keep using npm to download various packages? For a project, at least the packages downloaded by npm are more than ten M. It is not that the node is small, but that it will download the libraries you need when there is a need. Maybe this is why so many people like it. Bundle. $ ls -lh java-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 53K Dec 16 2013 java$ ls -lh python2.7-rwxr-xr-x 1 xxx staff 8.6K Jul 3 06:37 python2.7$ du -shc node_modules/ 30M node_modules/ 30M total


At what stage is python_Which language, Python, Java or JavaScript, has more development prospects in the future?

Which programming language is more promising in the future? Which one will Being eliminated – these are issues that newcomers who are new to the IT industry are more concerned about. Today I will take this opportunity to talk about “Python”, Java and Javascript. “Which one has more development prospects”? Talk about this Before asking the question, let’s first review their “past and present lives” to see how these three languages ​​became popular. 1. Java Java has been used in software systems of medium and large enterprises before ,It is lukewarm on the market&#xff0c It was not until 2010 that the Android system became popular all over the world, which brought with it a surge in Java developers. This also kicked off the popularity of mobile development languages. Until now,Although Google officials have recommended the use of Kotlin language when developing Android systems. But these will basically have no impact on Java. Because after these years of rapid development, Java has spread across various fields and is no longer an exclusive “noun” for Android. 2. JavaScript From the beginning of the development of the Internet to the present day ,Web pages have occupied a pivotal position, and Javascript has been…

Leetcode312 poke balloon C++, Java, Python

Leetcode312 poke balloon C++, Java, Python

Leetcode312 Poke the Balloon Source:力 Bucket(LeetCode) Link: Blogger Github: Question: There are n balloons, numbered 0 to n-1,Each balloon is marked with a number,These numbers are stored in the array nums. Now you are asked to pop all the balloons. Whenever you pop a balloon i, you can get nums[left] * nums[i] * nums[right] coins. Here left and right represent the serial numbers of the two balloons adjacent to i. Note that when you pop the balloon i, the balloon left and the balloon right become adjacent balloons. Find the maximum number of coins that can be obtained. Explanation: You can assume that nums[-1] = nums[n] &# 61; 1,But note that they are not real and cannot be debunked. 0 ≤ n ≤ 500, 0 ≤ nums[i] ≤ 100 Example 1: Input: [3,1,5,8]Output: 167 Explanation: nums = [3,1,5, 8] –> [3,5,8] –> [3,8] –> [8] –> []coins = 3*1*5 + 3*5*8 + 1*3*8 + 1*8*1 = 167 Problem-solving ideas: Method 1:Dynamic Programming Intuitive Idea dp[i][j]dp[i][j]dp[i][j] means puncture [i+1…j−1][i+1…j-1][i +1…j−1] Maximum profit from balloon number,dp[i][j]=maxCoins(nums[i]∼nums[j])dp[ i][j]=maxCoins(nums[i]\sim nums[j])dp[i][j]= maxCoins(nums[i]∼nums[j]) Hypothesiskkk balloon (i+1<=k<=j−1)(i+1 <=k <= j-1)(i+1<=k<=j−1) is [i+1…j−1][i+1…j-1] [i+1.. .j−1] The last one to be exposed, dp[i][j]=max {fork=range(i+1,j−1)nums[i]∗nums[k]∗nums[j]+dp[i][k]+dp[k] [j]}dp[i][j] = max \{for\ k…

The difference between c language, c++, java, python, the difference between compiled language and interpreted language

Quoting answers from anonymous users of the platform. very funny. This is the explanation of the image. Place the image below. Both compiled and interpreted types have pros and cons. The former program runs fast and has low system requirements under the same conditions, so it is used when developing operating systems, large-scale APP applications, database systems, etc., while C/C, Pascal/Object Pascal (Delphi), etc. are compiled programs For programs such as web scripts, server scripts and development auxiliary interfaces that do not require high speed and require compatibility between different system platforms, Javascript, Vbscript, Perl, Python However, with hardware upgrades and changes in design ideas, compiled and interpreted languages ​​are becoming more and more general, mainly reflected in some emerging high-level languages. The characteristic of interpreted languages ​​is that compiler manufacturers optimize The interpreter requires more cost In addition, if you want to better improve your programming skills, please learn C language and C programming well! When cornering, take one step faster and pass others! The author may be helpful to you~ UP is uploading video tutorials for learning C/C programming on its homepage. If you are interested or currently studying, please be sure to check it out. It will…

GitHub Dry Information Series: C++ resource compilation (including some Java, Android, Python, etc.)

GitHub users are welcome to pick it up. 2019BAT Internet enterprise job positions (including job content, job technical requirements, working location, etc.) The latest summary of 2019,Alibaba,Tencent,Baidu,Meituan,Toutiao and other technical interview questions,and answers& #xff0c; Summary of analysis by expert question makers. The latest summary in 2019, Recommended c/c++ open source frameworks and libraries. The latest summary of 2019,From programmer to CTO,From professionalism to excellence,Internal sharing of documents in PDF and PPT format /0voice/from_coder_to_expert Friends who are helpful may wish to pay attention. Continue to share and organize IT resources and information. Thank you~~

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