Picture Imposition Tutorial – Beginner Tutorial
Original picture of picture imposition tutorial: 25818337_46438.jpg (61.77 KB) 2007-8-12 23:15Rendering: 796_356794_c675caf8e33fc0f.jpg (56.94 KB)2007-8-12 23:151. Open the image–Unlock–Rename the layer to 1 2. Duplicate layer 1 and rename it to layer 2. Repeat step two until layer 4 (there are now 4 layers)4. Hide layers 2, 3, 4 5. Use the marquee to select a rectangular selection on layer 1 – right-click to transform the selection – tilt the selection a little, press Enter – invert the selection – delete on layer 1 – cancel the selection6. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on layer 1 (making layer 1 a selection) 7. Select–Modify–Shrink 2 8. Press Q to enter Quick Mask–Filter–Pixelize–Lattice 3 9. Filter–Blur–Blur 10. Repeat step 9 11. Press Q to exit the mask–Edit–Stroke white (stroke 1 pixel inside) 12. Invert selection–delete (as shown in the picture 796_356794_bbddb47f877e6ce.jpg (18.1 KB )2007-8-12 23:15 <!–Collectio