Oracleref dynamic cursor
the create or replace procedure pro_cursor_type_V as t_tmp table3%rowtype; type c_type is ref cursor; cur c_type; v_taname varchar2(100); begin v_taname:='aa'; open cur for & # 39; select * from table3 where taname=:a order by taid desc & # 39; –a is just a placeholder for binding variables to bind with the =: symbol using v_taname; dbms_output.put_line(& # 39; name has & # 39;); loop fetch cur into t_tmp; exit when cur%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(& # 39; name is & # 39; || t_tmp.taname || & # 39; date is: & # 39; || t_tmp.indate); end loop; end pro_cursor_type_V; the Author blog_yuan