Oracle statistics statement by week
Oracle statistics statement by week the –Create table Test CTEATE TABLE TEST( ID NUMBER NOT NULL, MODIFIEDTIME DATE NOT NULL ) –Statistics by week SELECT TO_CHAR(T.MODIFIEDTIME,'YYYY') YEAR,TO_CHAR(T.MODIFIEDTIME,'IW') TIME,COUNT(*) COUNT FROM TEST T –You can add query conditions here WHERE TO_CHAR(T.MODIFIEDTIME,'YYYY') = TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYY') GROUP BY TO_CHAR(T.MODIFIEDTIME,'IW'),TO_CHAR(T.MODIFIEDTIME,'YYYY') –Group by week number ORDER BY TO_CHAR(T.MODIFIEDTIME,'YYYY'),TO_CHAR(T.MODIFIEDTIME,'IW') ASC NULLS LAST –sort by week number — Note: MODIFIEDTIME is the time field in the table TEST, the time type –The above code can be run directly in the database –If there is a quantity field in the table, if you want to count the quantity by day, you can change COUNT(*) to SUM(1) function the Author guoxuepeng123