LTE sampling rate_weixin_39697679’s blog
class=”markdown_views prism-atom-one-dark”> LTE sampling rate First, the number of points in the frequency domain of the discrete Fourier transform is equal to the number of points in the time domain. Ok, go on. At the sending end, if OFDM modulation is realized by IFFT, then the number of subcarriers needs to be extended to 2 N c 2^{N_c} 2Nc , N c N_c Nc is the number of subcarriers, so it will output 2 N c 2^{N_c} 2 Nc points, these points need to be converted into a continuous time domain OFDM symbol by DAC. Note that this is only for a single OFDM symbol, and the baud rate of an OFDM symbol is 15k baud, so the conversion rate of the DAC needs to reach 2 N c ∗ 15 2^{N_c}*15 2 Nc∗15kHz. At the receiving end, it is necessary to realize the conversion from the sampling sequence to the modulation symbol. In order to use the FFT algorithm to realize the efficient conversion from the sampling sequence to the modulation symbol, the number of input sampling points must satisfy 2 N c 2^{N_c} 2NcNumber of subcarriers that carry modulation symbols, so the sampling rate of the receiving end…