The relationship between DOM, javascript, and WebAPI – thinking and research caused by onclick
I am usually used to using js to operate the dom tree to interact with the html page, which is basically implemented through the web API interface. Recently, I have learned more about closures and native js. Yesterday, I accidentally saw this in onclick. Pointing to the problem, I used native js to simulate onclick this in the html tag and this in the js event. For details, see the previous blog: Using the eval function of js to simulate the onclick event in the Web API JS below is the abbreviation of Javascript. After the simulation, I suddenly became curious, how is onclick implemented in the native web API? Could it be that HTMLElement has been extended like me ‘s prototype object? Obviously not, because I think the Web API that uses js to operate DOM is provided by the browser to the js client program. The browser itself does not need to program and expand based on js because the efficiency is too low (js is an interpreted language). This triggered thinking about the underlying implementation of the browser. For this reason, I asked some classmates who work on the web in the surrounding area, but most of…
I just faced this Java script code: const { myKey, uname, issorted, title, hClick, } = this.props; Please tell me what this means? What does it mean? Thanks 1> Xiaozhi..: This is an example of deconstructing allocation. Basically it is provided from each Object keys declare variables. You will be able to access those variables console.log(uname) instead of console.log(this.props.uname) Besides, if you’re also asking about ‘const’, here’s a good explanation
Zoomspecificelementonwebcontent(HTML,CSS,JavaScript) – Zoomspecificelementonwebcontent(HTML,CSS,JavaScript)
I want to zoom only a specific element of my website (a certain div), if a user zooms the website on a mobile device. The following picture shows my idea: I want to scale only a specific element of my site (a certain div) if the user zooms the site on mobile. The image below shows my idea: As you can see, the test is zoomed but the top div stays the same size; only the div that contains test is zoomed / scaled. As you can see, the test is scaled, but the top div remains the same size; only the div containing the test is scaled/scaled. Could someone give me some tips on how to achieve this? I really don’t know where to start. Can someone give me some tips on how to achieve this? I really don’t know where to start. UPDATE: if I would zoom in on this page, it would scale both elements. I want to adjust just the content element when zooming. One way I can think of to achieve this is to retrieve the user-input and use Javascript to adjust the div’s width but this is contradictory with the usual behavior. Updated:…
Given the longitude and latitude of two points, find the distance between the two points (php, javascript)
php code: Reprint 1 /** 2 * Find the distance between two known longitudes and latitudes, in meters 3 * 4 * @param lng1 $ ,lng2 Longitude 5 * @param lat1 $ ,lat2 latitude 6 * @return float distance in meters 7 * @author 8 */ 9 function getdistance($lng1, $lat1, $lng2, $lat2) { 10 // Convert the angle to degrees 11 $radLat1 = deg2rad($lat1); // The deg2rad() function converts angles to radians 12 $radLat2 = deg2rad($lat2); 13 $radLng1 = deg2rad($lng1); 14 $radLng2 = deg2rad($lng2); 15 $a = $radLat1 – $radLat2; 16 $b = $radLng1 – $radLng2; 17 $s = 2 * asin(sqrt(pow (sin($a / 2), 2) + cos($radLat1) * cos ($radLat2) * pow(sin($b / 2), 2)) ) * 6378.137 * 1000; 18 return $s; 19 } Javascript code: 1 //Return unit m 2 get_distance(lat1,lng1,lat2,lng2){ 3 var radLat1 = lat1 * Math.PI / 180.0; 4 var radLat2 = lat2 * Math.PI / 180.0; 5 var a = radLat1 – radLat2; 6 var b = lng1 * Math.PI / 180.0 – lng2 * Math.PI / 180.0; 7 var s = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.sin(a / 2), 2) + Math. cos(radLat1) * Math.cos(radLat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(b / 2), 2))); 8 s = s…
What the hell are webgl, Javascript, HTML, ThingJS, threejs, cesium, and BIM?
All these terms come from the fact that you want to do visual applications. If not, please avoid them. Friends who are engaged in technology will not just recite it, but those who are engaged in technology development must recite it carefully. webgl – is a 3D drawing protocol. This drawing technology standard allows combining Javascript and OpenGL ES 2.0. By adding a Javascript binding to OpenGL ES 2.0, WebGL can be HTML5. Canvas provides hardware 3D accelerated rendering, so web developers can use the system graphics card to more smoothly display 3D scenes and models in the browser, and create complex navigation and data visualization. Obviously, the WebGL technical standard eliminates the trouble of developing special rendering plug-ins for web pages, and can be used to create website pages with complex 3D structures, and can even be used to design 3D web games, etc. Javascript – (“JS” for short) is a lightweight, interpreted or just-in-time compiled programming language with function priority. Although it is famous as a scripting language for developing Web pages, it is also used in many non-browser environments. Javascript is based on prototype programming, a multi-paradigm dynamic scripting language, and supports object-oriented, imperative and declarative (…
How to disable renaming feature names in Webpack? TypeScript,Javascript
How to disable renaming feature names in Webpack? I entered the name of the class into the code: import { MenuBlocksMenuPage } from “../pages/menu/blocks/menupage”; But in the compiled file, the line becomes an unreadable string. /* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_73__pages_menu_blocks_menupage__ = __webpack_require__(669); My question is: What options are there in Webpack to disable changing class or function names?
javascript, php code to obtain function parameter object [PHP]
Back-end development | PHP tutorial Function parameters, object back-end development-php tutorial, for example: p2ptcpnat schematic source code, correct pronunciation of ubuntu, project hot deployment with tomcat, python crawler position, php file Manager tool, information seo optimization reference price lzw function say () { alert (arguments[0]+’say:’+arguments[1]); } say (‘fanglor’,’fanglor is a boy!’); Result: Pop up fanglor and say: fanglor is a boy! —————————————— ———————————————— This is somewhat similar to the func_get_args() function in PHP, which is also an array of function parameters. Example (the following is the PHP code): Lottery chat room source code, how to reset Ubuntu password, python crawler interface tutorial, Internet technology PHP engineer tutorial, Google seo algorithm lzw function uses () { $args =func_get_args(); if (!empty($args)) { foreach ($args as $key => $val ) { if (file_exists($val.’. php’)) { include “{$val}.php”; } else { if (DEBUG) { echo “{$val}.php does not exist!”; } } } } } //Encapsulate include again uses (‘config’,’db’); Automatically load config .php and db.php, if they do not exist, it will show that {__file__}.php does not exist. Know the source code of the app, how to change the ubuntu language, what to do if 404 tomcat is reported, manual crawler annotation, PHP learning…
HTML page that automatically jumps after N seconds, javascript
The easiest way is to set up the home page of apache to automatically jump. To make it simple, edit /var/www/html/index.html directly and fill in the content without having to set up httpd.conf back and forth. This page will take you to the Trac Home Page3seconds laterIf you don’t want to wait, Click Here
Javascript, variable scope outside callback function? – Javascript, outside variable scope in callback function?
Everyone. Everyone. I have a problem about the ‘callback function – scope of variable’, I have a question about “Callback function – variable scope”, I wanna use the ‘i in for loop’ to ‘the callback function User_UidSearch’, I want to use I in for loop callback function User_UidSearch, but I cannot use it. But I can’t use it. (I hope the solution don’t use the global variable.) (I hope the solution does not use global variables.) Task_TidSearchExecution = function(tid, callback) { var sql = “SELECT * FROM execution WHERE task = ‘” + tid + “‘”; dbclient.query(sql, function (err, results) { if (err || results.length <= 0) callback(false); else { console.log(results.length); for (var i = 0 ; i <results.length ; i++) { User_UidSearch(results[i].employee, function (user) { console.log(i); // results[i]['email'] =; }); } callback(results); } }); } the “console.log(i);” “console.log(i);“ Recheck, this is wrong. -> Outputs are “undefined” of all. Check again, this is wrong. ->Output “undefined”. undefined is “console.log(result[i]);” The definition is “console.log(result[i]);” But the “i” is keep ‘2’ console twice, if results.length is 2. But “i” is holding the “2” console twice if the result. The length is 2. I know becuz the for loop ending then execute…
Top ten classic sorting algorithms – bubble sort (implemented in Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Go language)
One of the ten classic sorting algorithms – Bubble sort This article mainly introduces “bubble sort” among the top ten classic sorting algorithms, and attaches the Java, Javascript, PHP, Python, and Go language implementations of the bubble sort algorithm. 1. Introduction to the top ten classic sorting algorithms Sorting algorithms can be divided into internal sorting and external sorting. Internal sorting is to sort data records in memory, while external sorting is because the sorted data is very large and cannot accommodate all the sorted records at one time. Access is required during the sorting process. External storage. Common internal sorting algorithms include: Insertion sort, Hill sort, selection sort, bubble sort, merge sort, quick sort, heap sort, radix sort, etc. 2. Comparison of the top ten classic sorting algorithms Note: About time complexity 1. Square order (O(n2)) sorting Various types of simple sorting: direct insertion, direct selection and bubble sorting. 2. Linear logarithmic order (O(nlog2n)) sorting: quick sort, heap sort and merge sort. 3.O(n1+§)) sorting, § is a constant between 0 and 1. Hill sort. 4. Linear order (O(n)) sorting, radix sorting, in addition to bucket and bin sorting. Note: About stability Stability: the order of two equal key values…