How to use the context in react_is the context of react a one-way data flow_tsuyoii’s blog
class=”markdown_views prism-atom-one-dark”> context can be used to pass parameters from parent components to child components or from grandparent components to grandchild components. Note that data flow is one-way, and child components cannot be passed to parent components Usage: In the parent component MyComponent const AContext = React.createContext(initial value) function MyComponent(){ render (){ AContext.provider value={ this.state} //You can pass an object B/B /AContext.provider> } } const AContext = React.createContext (initial value)//The initial value here is similar to the initial value of useState, you can pass an empty value AContext.provider value={ this.state} //You can pass an object B/B /AContext.provider> At this time, if component B contains subcomponent C, you don’t need to specify the data that needs to be passed down, and C will get the subcomponent B component by default function B(){ return( C/C ); } Specify the contextType to read the current context value, and React will find the nearest Provider to the upper layer In the grandson component CIntroduce AContext from the parent component MyComponent function C(){ static contextType = AContext; render (){ return <Button theme={ this.context} //theme value is this.state in the parent component MyComponent component } } Compared with props and state, React’s Context can realize cross-level…