Traversing an array, how to solve it-php tutorial

Traversing the arrayThere should be nothing wrong with traversing the array in the frontend like this The traversal result displayed on the page is{loop $allinpaybank $bank}⊙{/loop} ⊙for checkbox Share to: <span class='social-share-buttons' data-title='[Traverse the array] There should be nothing wrong with traversing the array in the frontend like this???? — —-Solution——————–This should be a template ——Solution——————–demo: {section name=loop loop=$News} {$News[loop].newsID} {$News[loop].newsTitle} { /section}

Looking for a PHP learning video, how to solve it-php tutorial

Asking for PHP learning videoPlease ask for PHP video tutorial. I want a comprehensive video including html course DIV + css tutorial + Javascript tutorial php tutorial. I want to learn by myself and hope to get help. [email protected] Share to: ——Solution——- ———— Search on Baidu for teacher Yan Shiba’s PHP classics. He has a relatively complete set of videos, from HTML DIV CSS to Javascript , to PHP, Ajax, Smarty, and Thinkphp. It’s all very good. I hope it will be helpful to you.

PHP serialization, how to solve it-php tutorial

php serializationI can serialize the properties of the object using php, but I cannot deserialize the properties of the object. What is the reason? Is there any solution? Share to: ——Solution———- ———-When deserializing an object, you need to load the class definition of the object first

Array operation, how to solve it-php tutorial

Array operations This post was last edited by lazygc520 on 2013-06-25 18:14:38 $sql = “select * from table where cloumn …”;$result = mysql_query($sql);$var = array();while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)){ $ var[] = $row;} foreach($var as $v){ foreach($v as $key=>$value) { echo $value.’‘; }} The displayed results are as follows: 4890 //value1; 1635624 //value2; 4890//value3; How can I change the result? Into: 4890 2249//1635+624; 4890 Cannot be calculated in this way, the result Wrong: foreach($var as $v){ foreach($v as $key=>$value) { $total += $v[$value]; echo $total; }} The result is as follows: 4890 7139//4890+2249 12029//4890+2249+4890 Looking for a solution. Share to: – —–Solution——————–$var is not that array, is it posted wrong?——Solution——————–What does this mean? $ar = array( array( 1635 ), array( 624 ),);$res = array(); foreach($ar as $item) { foreach($item as $v) $res[] = $v;}echo array_sum($res) . ‘ //’ . join(‘+’, $res); 2259//1635+624

iis301 redirect eurl.axd, how to solve it-php tutorial

iis 301 redirect eurl.axdEnter in the address bar to redirect to in the address bar to redirect to http://www.………… Solve. Share to: ——Solution——————–IIS sets website redirection alias

Please write PHP English sorting, how to solve it – PHP tutorial

Please write php English sortingsuch as:aacbabcacaaaaa can be arranged :a,aaaa,abc,aca,acbThat is to say, a is at the front, z is at the end, the first letter is from a-z, the second and third letters are infinitely arranged in the order of a-z. PHP English sorting Share to: ——Solution——————- –This requirement is quite different $a = array( ‘a’, ‘acb’, ‘abc’ , ‘aca’, ‘aaaa’,);$m = max(array_map(‘strlen’, $a));foreach($a as $v) { $c = substr($v, -1); $t[] = str_pad($v, $m, $c); >}array_multisort($t, $a);print_r($a); Array( [0] => a [1] => aaaa [2] => abc [3] => aca [4] => acb) ——Solution——————– Quote: This requirement is quite different $a = array( ‘a’, ‘acb’, ‘abc’, ‘aca’, ‘aaaa’,);$m = max(array_map(‘strlen’, $ a));foreach($a as $v) { $c = substr($v, -1); $t[] = str_pad($v, $m, $c);}array_multisort($t, $a);print_r($a); Array( [0] => a [1] => aaaa [2] => abc [3] => aca [4] => acb ) Why can’t we use sort directly? ——Solution——————–The system function is Yes $arr = array(‘a’,‘acb’,‘abc’,‘aca’,‘aaaa’);sort($arr); print_r($arr);

smarty template editor, how to solve it-php tutorial

smarty template editorNewbie I want to insert an online editor FCK into the smarty template. However, the FCK call is made using PHP code. Can I generate an editing object in the controller and assign it to the TPL? When writing PHP code in tpl, failed after several attempts. Please help me… Share to: ——Solution——————–Yes, please refer to the following blog post:

opencart, how to solve it-php tutorial

opencartThere is an array printed at the top of each page. Where is it written? Sorry, the screenshot cannot be uploaded opencart Share to: ——Solution—– —————Don’t you post screenshots? Search print_r and var_dump in all files and comment them out

PHP cannot print strings normally, how to solve it – PHP tutorial

PHP cannot print strings normally, how to solve itDuring the development process, I need to access a url http://www.***.com/api/abc?a=123&b= 234&param=2 But when I echo ‘http://www.***.com/api/abc?a=123&b=234&param=2’; it displays in the browser But it is http://www.***.com/api/abc?a=123&b=234 (special characters) m=2!- – The special characters forum does not allow posting, I want to know what it is Print it yourselfHow to solve it PHP URL Share to: ——Solution—- —————-HTML escaping problem, echo htmlspecialchars(‘http:/ /www.***.com/api/abc?a=123&b=234&param=2’);

Please recommend a useful server synchronization software, how to solve it – php tutorial

Please recommend a useful server synchronization softwarewindow2003 server. If you want to automatically back up website data and database, please recommend a useful server synchronization software. You can back it up to another server or sync it locally. Server synchronization software Backup —- –Solution——————–1. Second copy can be used for file backup2. Navicat, one of the database backup tools 8 for mysql. It can also be achieved through Windows scheduled tasks or Linux crontab. ——Solution——————– Quote: Quote:1. Second copy is available for file backup2. Navicat 8 for mysql is one of the database backup tools. It can also be achieved through Windows scheduled tasks or Linux crontab. Thanks for the reply, mainly because I want the backup to be automatically sent to a designated server cecond copy has this function. Open ftp on another machine and back up the backup path to that machine.

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