Abstract collection contains All() method in Java, example

Abstract collection contains the All() method in Java, example Original text: https://www . geesforgeks . org/abstract collection-contains all-in-Java-method-in- with-examples/ Java Abstract Collection‘s containsAll() method is used to check whether two collections contain the same elements. It takes a collection as argument and returns True if all elements of the collection are present in the other collection. Syntax: AbstractCollection.containsAll(Collection C) Parameter:ParameterC is a collection. This parameter refers to the collection whose elements need to be checked for occurrence in this collection. Return value: If this set contains all elements of other sets, this method returns true, otherwise it returns false. The following program illustrates the AbstractCollection.conatinsAll() method: Program 1: // Java code to illustrate boolean containsAll()import java .util.*;class AbstractCollectionDemo { public static void main(String args[]) {  // Creating an empty Collection AbstractCollection< String> abs = new LinkedList<String>(); // Use add () method to // add elements in the collection abs.add(“Geeks” ); abs.add(“for”); abs.add(“Geeks”); abs.add(“10”); abs.add(“20”);  // Creating another empty Collection AbstractCollection< String>                                             = new LinkedList<String>(); // Use add () method to // add elements in the collection abs2.add(“Geeks” ); abs2.add(“for”); abs2.add(“Geeks”); abs2.add(“10”); abs2.add(“20”);  // Check if the collection // contains same elements System.out.println(“\nBoth the collections same: ”                                           .containsAll(abs2)); }} Output: Both the collections same: true Program 2: // Java code to illustrate boolean containsAll()import java.util.*;class AbstractCollectionDemo { public static void main(String…

Timing local datetime issue in Java support (temporary field) method, example

Chronolocal datetime issue support (temporary field) method in Java, example Original text: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/chronolocaldatetime-issupportedtemporalfield-method-in-Java- with-examples/ The isSupported() method of the Timekeeping Local Date Time Interface in Java checks whether the specified temporary field is supported. Syntax: default boolean isSupported(TemporalField field) Parameters:This method accepts A parameter Field, specifying the temporary field to be checked. Empty returns false. Returns: If the date supports the field, the function returns true, otherwise it returns false. The following program illustrates the ChronoLocalDateTime.isSupported() method: Program 1: // Program to illustrate// the isSupported(TemporalField) methodimport java.util.*; import java.time.*;import java.time.chrono.*;import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;public class GfG { public static void main( String[] args) { // Parses the date ChronoLocalDateTime dt1   = LocalDateTime               .parse(“2018-11-03T12:45:30”); // Prints the date        System.out .println(dt1); System.out .println(                                                                                       dt1 .isSupported( ChronoField.DAY_OF_WEEK));  }} Output: 2018-11-03T12 :45:30true Reference:https://docs . Oracle . com/javase/9/docs/API/Java/time/chrono/chronolocaldatetime . html # isSupported-Java . time . temporal field-

AtomicLongArraygetAndSet() method in Java, example

AtomicLongArray getAndSet() method in Java, examples Original text: https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/atomicongarray-getandset-method-in-Java-with-examples/ Java . util . concurrent . atomic . AtomicLongArray . getandset() is a built-in method in Java that automatically sets a given value at any given position in an atomicongarray . This method takes as parameters the index value of the atomic clone array and the value to be set. It returns the value at the given index and then sets the new value at that index. The function getAndSet() is similar to the set() function, but the former returns a value while the latter does not. Syntax: Public final long getAndSet(int i, long newValue) Parameters:This function accepts two parameters: I–the index to be updated. newValue – The value to set at index i* Return value:This function returns the value at the given index before updating The value is in Long. The following program illustrates the above method: Program 1: “`java// Java program that// the getAndSet() function import demonstrates java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongArray; public class GFG { public static void main(String args[])                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  a AtomicLongArray arr = new AtomicLongArray(a); // Displaying the AtomicLongArray System.out.println(“The array : ” + arr); // Index where operation is performed         int idx = 0; // New…

PrintStream printing (char[]) method in Java, example

PrintStream printing (char[]) method in Java, example Original text: https://www . geesforgeks . org/print stream-print char-method-in-Java-with -examples/ The Print(char[]) method of the [Print Stream] class in Java is used to print the data specified on the stream. Character array. This character array is taken as a parameter. Syntax: public void print(char[] charArray) Parameters:This method accepts a mandatory parameter Character array, which is the character array to be printed in the stream. Return value:This method does not return a value. Exception: If the specified charArray() is null, this method returns Null Pointer Exception. The following method illustrates how the print(char[]) method works: Program 1: // Java program to demonstrate// PrintStream print(char[]) method import java.io.*;class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { try {  // Create a PrintStream instance PrintStream stream  = new PrintStream(System.out); // Get the character array // to be printed in the stream char[] charArray = { ‘G’, ‘e’, ‘e’, ‘k’, ‘s’,                                                                                                     “sc”>’o’, ‘r’, span>                                                                                                 class=”p”>, ‘e’, ‘k’ , ‘s’ };                     span class=”c1″>// print the charArray                                                                                          “>// This will put the charArray in the stream                                                                                >stream.print(charArray); stream.flush(); } catch (Exception e ) {             System .out.println(e); }  }} Output : GeeksForGeeks Program 2: // Java program to demonstrate// PrintStream print(char[]) methodimport java.io.*;class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { try { // Create a…

ProviderElement() method in Java, example

java https ide uri io object import static main Write your review! Come on, watch it all Member login | User registration Recommended reading io Read-write lock and cache class implementation Improve performance read-write locks: divided into read locks and write locks, multiple read locks are not mutually exclusive, read locks and write locks are mutually exclusive, write locks and write locks are mutually exclusive, this is controlled by the JVM&#xff0… [detailed] Crayon Shin-chan 2023-09-18 19:39:18 char JDK source code——AbstractStringBuilder Some methods are not explained. If you have any questions or errors, please comment to point out importsun.misc.FloatingDecimal;importjava.util.Arr… [detailed] Crayon Shin-chan 2023-09-18 23:21:22

Minguo chronology eraOf() method in Java, example

Minguo chronology eraOf() method in Java, example Original text: https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/minguoberor-eraof-method-in-Java-with-example/ The eraOf() method of Java . time . chrono . Minguo Chronology class is used to retrieve MinguoEra using a numeric value. Syntax: public MinguoEra eraOf(int eraValue) Parameters: This method will Error value Integer is used as a parameter to generate MinguoEra. Return value: This method uses a numerical value to return the Republic of China era. The following is an example illustrating the eraOf() method: Example 1: // Java program to demonstrate// eraOf() methodimport java.util.*;import java.io.*;import java.time.*;import java.time.chrono.*;public class GFG {  public static void main(String[] argv) { try {                                                                                                                         =”n”>MinguoDate hidate   = MinguoDate.now();   // getting MinguoChronology // used in LocalDate MinguoChronology crono = hidate.getChronology();       // getting MinguoEra for the span>                                                                                                              class=”n”>MinguoEra era = crono .eraOf(0); // display the result System.out.println (                                                                                                      /span> era); } catch (DateTimeException e) {                                              >.out.println( “MinguoEra is invalid”); System.out.println(                                                             >+ e); } }} Output: MinguoEra is: BEFORE_ROC Example 2: // Java program to demonstrate// eraOf() methodimport java.util.*;import java.io.*;import java.time.*; import java.time.chrono.*;public class GFG { public static void main(String[] argv) { try {                                                                       “c1”>// MinguoDate Object                                                                            …

SimpleTimeZonegetRawOffset() method in Java, example

SimpleTimeZone getRawOffset() method in Java, examples Original text: https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/simple time zone-getraw offset-method-in-Java-with-examples / The getRawOffset() method of the simple time zone class is used to obtain the GMT offset of the time zone. Syntax: public int getRawOffset() Parameters :The function does not accept any parameters. Return Value: Returns the GMT offset value in milliseconds. Exceptions:The function does not throw any exceptions. The following program demonstrates the above functionality: Program 1: // program to demonstrate the// function java.util.SimpleTimeZone.getRawOffset()import java.util.*;public class GFG { public static void main (String[] args) { // create simple time zone object  SimpleTimeZone obj = new SimpleTimeZone(580, “INDIA”); // get raw offset value and print System.out.println(“Raw Offset is = ”                                                                          “>.getRawOffset()); }} Output: Raw Offset is = 580 Program 2: // program to demonstrate the// function java.util. SimpleTimeZone.getRawOffset()import java.util.* ;public class GFG { public static void main(String[ ] args) { // create simple time zone object SimpleTimeZone obj          = new SimpleTimeZone(640, “INDIA”); // get raw offset value and print System.out.println(“Raw Offset is = ”                                                         “n”>obj.getRawOffset()); }} Output: Raw Offset is = 640

Property getOrDefault(key, defaultValue) method in Java, example

Property getOrDefault(key, defaultValue) method in Java, example Original text: https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/properties-getordefaultkey-defaultvalue-method-in-Java-with- examples/ Attribute class‘s getOrDefault(key, default value) method is used to get the value mapped to the key, where Passed as a parameter in the property object. This method will get the corresponding value for the key, if it exists, and return it. If there is no such mapping, then it returns the default value. Syntax: Public object getOrDefault(object key, object default value) Parameters:This method accepts two parameters: Key: whose mapping is to be checked in the property object. Default: This is the default mapping for the key Returns:The The method returns the value corresponding to the key, if one exists. If there is no such mapping, then it returns the default value. The following program illustrates the getOrDefault(key, default value) method: Program 1: // Java program to demonstrate// getOrDefault(key, defaultValue) method.import java.util.*;public class GFG { // Main method public static void main(String[] args)  { // Create a properties and add some values Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put (“Pen”, 10); properties.put(“Book” , 500); properties.put(“Clothes”, 400); properties.put(“Mobile”, 5000); span> // Print Properties details System.out.println(“Properties: “         + properties.toString()); // Getting the value of Pen System.out .println(“Value of Pen: ”                                                                                                                  >.getOrDefault(“Pen”, 200)); / / Getting the value of Phone System.out.println(” Value of Phone: ” +…

FieldPositionsetEndIndex() method in Java, example

FieldPosition setEndIndex() method in Java, example Original text: https://www . geesforgeks . org/field position-setendindex-method-in-Java-with-example/ The setEndIndex() method of the java.text.FieldPosition class is used to set the index of the character before the last character in the FieldPosition object. Syntax: public void setEndIndex(int ei) Parameters: This method has The new index of the character before the last character in the FieldPosition object takes the integer value index. Return value:This method has nothing to return. The following is an example illustrating the getEndIndex() method: Example 1: // Java program to demonstrate// getEndIndex() method import java.text.*;import java.util.*; import java.io.*;public class GFG { public static void main(String[] argv) { try {                                                                                                                    span class=”n”>FieldPosition pos    = new FieldPosition(                                           “p”>.Field.ARGUMENT); // setting end index                                                                              class=”p”>.setEndIndex(10 ); // getting end index of FieldPosition Object // using getEndIndex() mehtod                                                                                          > pos.getEndIndex() ; // display result System.out.println (“end index :- ” + i); } catch (ClassCastException e) { System.out.println(” Exception thrown : ” + e); } }} Output: end index :- 10 Example 2: // Java program to demonstrate// getEndIndex() methodimport java.text.*;import java.util.*;import java.io .*;public class GFG { public static void main( String[] argv) { try {                                                                                                           pos    = new FieldPosition(    DateFormat.Field.AM_PM);  // setting end index pos.setEndIndex(5 ); // getting end index of FieldPosition Object // using getEndIndex() mehtod int i = pos.getEndIndex(); // display result System.out.println(“end index :- ” +…

ThaiBuddhistDate equals() method in Java, example

ThaiBuddhistDate equals () method in Java, example Original text: https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/thaibudhistate-equals-method-in-Java-with-example/ The equals() method of Java . time . chrono . thaibudhistate class is used to compare two thaibudhistate dates and check whether they are the same . Syntax: public boolean equals(Object obj) Parameters:This method starts with An equivalent object is compared to this thaibudhistate as argument. Return value:If the two dates are equal, this method returns true, otherwise it returns false. The following is an example illustrating the Equals() method: Example 1: // Java program to demonstrate// equals() method import java.util.*;import java.io.*; import java.time.*;import java.time.chrono.*;public class GFG { public static void main(String[] argv) { try {                                                                                             “n”>ThaiBuddhistDate hidate1    = ThaiBuddhistDate.now();   // Creating and initializing // ThaiBuddhistDate Object ThaiBuddhistDate hidate2 = ThaiBuddhistDate.now();   // Comparing both date                                                                                                                                                                                     span> = hidate1.equals(hidate2); // Display the result if (status)      System.out.println( “Both dates are equal”); else  System.out.println(                                                  not equal”); } catch (DateTimeException e ) { System.out.println(                                                                                                           /span>); System.out.println( “Exception thrown: ” + e); } }} Output: Both dates are equal Example 2: // Java program to demonstrate// equals() methodimport java.util.*;import java.io.*;import java.time.*;import java.time.chrono.*;public class GFG { public static void main( String[] argv) { try {                                                                                                                    /span> hidate1    = ThaiBuddhistDate.now();   // Creating and initializing                                                                                                                      = ThaiBuddhistDate.of(2008, 03, 23);                                                                                                                                  =”kt”>boolean status                                                     span>.equals(hidate2 ); // Display the result if (status)                                                     “n”>System.out.println(        ”Both dates are equal”); else System. out.println( “Both dates are not equal”); } catch (DateTimeException e)…

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