Empty() stream in Java, example

Empty() stream in Java, examples Original text: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/stream-empty-java-examples/ StreamEmpty()Creates an empty sequence stream. Syntax: static <T> Stream<T> empty () Parameters: t: Type of flow element. stream : An object sequence that supports various methods that can be pipelined to produce desired results. Return value: Stream empty() returns an empty sequence stream. Note: An empty stream may help avoid NullPointerExceptions when calling methods with stream parameters. Example: // Java code for Stream empty() import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.Stream;class GFG { // Driver code public static void main(String[] args) { // Creating an empty Stream Stream<String> stream = Stream.empty(); // Displaying elements in Stream stream.forEach(System. out::println); }} Output: No Output

LocalDateisSupported() method in Java, example

LocalDate isSupported() method in Java, examples Original text: https://www . geesforgeks . org/local date-issupported-method-in-Java-with-examples/ In the LocalDate class, there are two types of isSupported() methods depending on the parameters passed to it. Problem support (temporary field) isSupported() A method of the LocalDate class, used to check whether the specified field It is supported by the LocalDate class, which means that using this method we can check whether the LocalDate can query the specified field. The fields supported by timing fields are: Alignment_week_year All other time fields Instances will all return false. Syntax: public boolean isSupported(TemporalField field) Parameters:This method accepts A single parameterField, the field to be checked. Return value: If this field is supported by the date in this region, this method returns Boolean value [true, otherwise it returns false. The following program illustrates the isSupported() method: Program 1: // Java program to demonstrate// LocalDate.isSupported() methodimport java.time.*;import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;public class GFG { public static void main (String[] args) { // create a LocalDate object LocalDate lt                                                                      class=”n”>LocalDate.parse( “2018-11-03”); // check YEAR_OF_ERA is supported in LocalDate                                                                                                                                                > lt.isSupported(ChronoField.YEAR_OF_ERA ); // print result System. out.println(“YEAR_OF_ERA Field is supported: ”                                                         ); }} Output: YEAR_OF_ERA Field is supported : true Release support (temporary unit) The isSupported() method of aLocalDate class is used…

Abstract set removeAll() method in Java, example

Abstract set-remove all-method-in-Java-with-examples / The removeAll() method of the Java Abstract Set class is used to remove all elements contained in the specified collection from the set. Syntax: public boolean removeAll(Collection c) Parameters:This method will Collection c as a parameter containing the elements to be removed from the collection. Return value: This method returns true if the setting changed as a result of the call. Exceptions:This method throws three types of exceptions: Operation exceptions are not supported – If the operation is not supported by this setting, this exception is thrown. class castexception – thrown when the class of an element of this collection is incompatible with the specified collection. NullPointRexception – This exception is thrown when the collection contains null elements and the specified collection does not allow null elements, or if the collection is empty. The following is an example illustrating the removeAll() method. Program 1: // Java program to demonstrate// removeAll() method for Integer valueimport java.util.*;public class GFG1 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { try { // Creating object of AbstractSet AbstractSet<Integer>                    abs_set = new TreeSet<Integer> (); // Populating abs_set abs_set .add(1); abs_set.add (2);                                                                         >abs_set.add(3); abs_set.add(4);  abs_set.add(5);                                                                                         abs_set System.out.println(“AbstractSet before ” span>                                                                                                                                                                    /span> abs_set);       // Creating another object of ArrayList Collection<Integer>                                                                                      span> ArrayList<Integer> (); arrlist2.add(1); TreeSet<Integer>(); // Populating abs_set abs_set.add(1); abs_set.add(2);         abs_set.add(…

ArraylistremoveRange() in Java, example

Arraylist removeRange() in Java, example Original text: https://www . geesforgeks . org/ArrayList-remove range-Java-examples/ The removeRange() method of ArrayList in Java is used to remove all elements within a specified range from an ArrayList object. It moves any subsequent elements to the left. This call shortens the list by (toIndex-fromIndex) elements, where toIndex is the ending index and fromIndex is the starting index from which all elements will be removed. (If toIndex==fromIndex, this operation is invalid)Syntax: removeRange(int fromIndex , int toIndex) Parameters:There are two parameters:1. fromIndex :The starting index from which to remove index elements. 2. toIndex : In the range [from index-to index], all elements are removed. The parameter is of int data type. Returns:This method does not return any value. It only removes all elements within the specified range. Error:indexout of boundsexception: If fromIndex or toIndex is out of range (fromIndex = size() or toIndex > size( ) or to index<from index)Example 1: Demonstrates the use of the removeRange() method Java language (a computer language, especially used to create websites) // Java program to demonstrate the/ / working of removeRange() methodimport java.util.*;// extending the class to arraylist since removeRange()// is a protected method public class GFG extends ArrayList<Integer> {…

Pushback input stream mark() method in Java, example

Pushback input stream mark() method in Java, examples Original text: https://www . geesforgeks . org/pubackinputstream-mark-method-in-Java-with-examples / The Mark() method of the Pushback Input Stream class in Java is used to mark the current position in the input stream. This method does nothing to push back the input stream. Syntax: public void mark(int readlimit) Override:This method overrides The mark() method of the FilterInputStream class. Parameters: This method accepts a single parameter readlimit which represents the maximum number of bytes that can be read before the marked position becomes invalid. Return value:This method does not return a value. Exceptions:This method does not throw any exceptions. The following program illustrates the mark() method of pushing back the input stream class in the input and output package: Program 1: // Java program to illustrate// PushbackInputStream mark() method import java.io.*;public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // Create an array byte[] byteArray                                                      “k”>new byte[] { ‘G’, ‘E’ , ‘E’,                                                     >, ‘S’ }; // Create inputStream InputStream inputStr                                           “>= new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray); // Create object of // PushbackInputStream PushbackInputStream pushbackInputStr = new PushbackInputStream(inputStr); for (int i = 0; i < byteArray.length; i++) { // Read the character System.out.print(                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 /span>.read()); } // Revoke mark() but it does nothing pushbackInputStr.mark(5 ); }} Output: GEEKS Program 2: // Java program to illustrate//…

Stream to array() in Java, example

Stream to array() in Java, example Original text: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/stream-toarray-java-examples/ Stream toArray() Returns an array containing the elements of this stream. This is a terminal operation, that is, it may cross the river to have consequences or side effects. After a terminal operation is performed, the stream pipe is considered consumed and can no longer be used. Syntax: Object[] toArray() Return value:The function returns an array containing the elements of the stream. Example 1: // Java code for Stream toArray( )import java.util.*;import java.util.stream.Stream;class GFG { // Driver code public static void main(String[ ] args) { // Creating a Stream of Integers Stream<Integer> stream = Stream.of(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); // Using Stream toArray() Object[] arr = stream .toArray(); // Displaying the elements in array arr System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr)); }} Output: [5, 6 , 7, 8, 9, 10] Example 2: // Java code for Stream toArray()import java.util.* ;import java.util.stream.Stream span>;class GFG { // Driver code public static void main(String[] args) { // Creating a Stream of Strings Stream<String> stream = Stream. of(“Geeks”, “for”,                                                                           , “GeeksQuiz”); // Using Stream toArray () Object[] arr = stream.toArray(); // Displaying the elements in array arr System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr)); }} Output: [Geeks, for, Geeks, GeeksQuiz] Example 3: // Java code for Stream toArray()import java.util.*;import java.util.stream.Stream;class GFG { // Driver code public static void main(String[] args) { / / Creating a Stream of…

BreakIteratornext(int) method in Java, example

BreakIterator next(int) method in Java, examples Original text: https://www . geesforgeks . org/breakiterator-nextint-method-in-Java-with-examples/ The next() method of the java.text.BreakIterator class is used to retrieve the boundary from the current boundary (the boundary retrieved by calling the current() method ) gets the index of the nth next boundary. It provides the offset of the first character of the boundary, either after or before the current boundary pointed to by BreakIterator. Syntax: public abstract int next(int n) Parameters: Take n (the number of boundaries to be skipped) as the parameter. If n is positive, it will skip the boundary forward, otherwise it will skip the boundary backward. Return value:This method provides theindex of the nth next boundary forming the current boundary. The following is an example illustrating the next() method: Example 1: // Java program to demonstrate next() methodimport java.text.*;import java.util.*;import java.io.*;public class GFG { public static void main(String[] argv) { // creating and initializing with zero int current = 0, next = 0; // creating and initializing BreakIterator BreakIterator wb = BreakIterator.getWordInstance(); // setting text for BreakIterator wb.setText(“Code Geeks”); // getting the current text boundary  current = wb.current(); // display the result System.out.println(                                    …

ThaiBuddhistDatelengthOfMonth() method in Java, example

ThaiBuddhistDate lengthOfMonth() method in Java, example Original text: https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/thaibudhistdata-length of month-in-method-in-Java-with- example/ The lengthOfMonth() method of Java . time . chrono . thaibudhistate class is used to obtain a value represented by a specific thaibudhistate date The number of days present in the month. Syntax: public int lengthOfMonth() Parameters: This method does not accept any parameters as parameters. Return value:This method returns the number of days in the month represented by a specific ThaiBuddhist date. The following is an example illustrating the monthlength() method: Example 1: // Java program to demonstrate// lengthOfMonth() methodimport java.util.*;import java.io.*;import java.time.*;import java.time.chrono.*;import java.time.temporal.*;public class GFG { public static void main (String[] argv) { try {                                                                                                 n”>ThaiBuddhistDate hidate    = ThaiBuddhistDate .now();                                                                          “>// Getting length of a month                                                                                              span> length = hidate.lengthOfMonth();                                                                                              result System.out.println(                                                                       day present: ” + length); } catch (DateTimeException e) { System.out.println(    ”Passed parameter can”                       + ” not form a date”); System.out. span>println(    ”Exception thrown: ”                                                                                       “>} }} Output: Number of day present: 31 Example 2: // Java program to demonstrate// lengthOfMonth() methodimport java.util.*;import java.io.*;import java.time. *;import java.time.chrono.*;import java.time.temporal.*;public class GFG { public static void main(String [] argv) {                                                                                                                                                            initializing                                                                                                                 /span> = ThaiBuddhistDate.of(2020, 06, 23);                                                                                                                                      class=”kt”>int length                                                              /span>.lengthOfMonth();                                             =”c1″>// Display the result System.out.println(                                           class=”s”>”Number of day present: ”   + length); } catch (DateTimeException e) { System.out.println(    ” Passed parameter…

Collator getStrength() method in Java, example

Collator getStrength() method in Java, example Original text: https://www . geesforgeks . org/collator-get strength-method-in-Java-with-example/ The getStrength() method of the java.text.Collator class is used to get the strength property of the Collator object, which will help This object is compared. Syntax: public int getStrength() Parameters: This method does not accept any parameters. Return Value: This method returns the Strength property of the organizer object, which will help the object during the comparison process. The following is an example illustrating the getStrength() method: Example 1: Java language (a computer language, especially used for creating websites) // Java program to demonstrate // getStrength() methodimport java.text.* ;import java.util.* ;import java.io.*;public class GFG { public static void main(String[] argv) { try {                                                                                                                                                                                                             br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Creating and initializing // new RuleBasedCollator Object                                                                                       >col = new RuleBasedCollator(simple);                                                                                          / setting strength property // for the Collator object                                                                        p”>.setStrength(Collator.IDENTICAL);                                                      getting strength property // using getStrength() method int strength = col.getStrength(); // display result if (strength == 0)                                                      .out.println<span class="p "" "property :- PRIMARY."); else if (strength == 1)      System.out.println(                                                                                                                    “); else if (strength == 2)             � System.out.println(                                                   >                            + ” property :- TERTIARY.”); else                                                                      out.println(                                                                =”s”>”current strength ”                                                                                                       class=”p”>); } catch (ClassCastException e) { System.out.println(“Exception thrown : ” + e); } catch ( ParseException e) {   System.out.println(“Exception thrown : ” + e); } }} Output: current strength property :-…

DurationaddTo(Tense) method in Java, example

Duration addTo (temporal) method in Java, examples Original text: https://www . geesforgeks . org/duration-addtotemporal-method-in-Java-with-examples/ java.time packageThe addTo(tense) method of the Duration class is used to The duration is added to the specified tense object, passed as argument. Syntax: public Temporal addTo?(Temporal temporalObject) Parameters: This method accepts a parameter Time Object, which is the amount that needs to be adjusted within this duration. It should not be empty. Return value: This method returns an object of the same type and adjusts the time object. Exception:This method throws: Date time exception: Oops. Arithmetic exception : If there is a numerical overflow. The following example illustrates Duration.addTo() Method: Example 1: // Java code to illustrate addTo() methodimport java.time.*; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { // Duration 1 using parse() method Duration duration1                  = Duration.parse (“P2DT3H4M”); // Get the time to be adjusted LocalDateTime currentTime         = LocalDateTime.now(); System.out.println(“Original time: ”                                                                        p”>); // Adjust the time // using addTo() method System.out.println(                                                      >             .addTo(currentTime)); }} Output: Original time: 2018 -11-26T07:01:13.5352018-11-28T10:05:13.535 Example 2: // Java code to illustrate addTo() methodimport java.time.*;public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { // Duration Duration duration2 = Duration.ofDays(-5); // Get the time to be adjusted LocalDateTime currentTime   = LocalDateTime .now(); System.out. println(“Original time: ”                                                                        “o”>+ currentTime); // Adjust the time // using addTo() method System.out.println( duration2 .addTo (currentTime)); }} Output: Original time: 2018-11-26T07:01:16.6152018-11-21…

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