EF Core precompiled modelCompiled Model
EF Core precompiled modelCompiled Model Foreword Recently I am still fighting with npgsql and EF Core. Since EF Core does not support AOT yet, it is used in AOT applications. When using EF Core, a question will be prompted: Listening to this, it seems that using Compiled Model can solve the problem, so I studied this function of EF Core again. In EF Core, models are built based on entity classes and configuration, and by default, EF Core builds the model every time a new DbContext instance is created. This may cause performance issues for applications that require frequent creation of DbContext instances. The precompiled model of Entity Framework Core (EF Core) provides an optimization. This feature was added for the first time in EF Core 6 preview 5, which allows designers to precompile the model to avoid subsequent execution. Dynamically generate models at query time. Advantages of precompiled models Performance improvements: By precompiling models, you can reduce application startup overhead, especially for large models. The startup time here refers to the first startup time of DbContext. Due to the delayed query mechanism, generally DbContext will not complete startup when a new object is created, but when inserting or querying…