How to understand the relationship between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?
HTML, CSS, and Javascript are the core parts of web front-end development, so what is the relationship between them? The following article will take you to understand the relationship between HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I hope it will be helpful to you. A brief introduction to HTML, CSS and Javascript html (Hypertext Markup Language) : A language used to describe web pages and define the structure of web pages. Can include pictures, music and other non-text elements. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Defines how to display HTML elements and describes what a web page looks like. Javascript (scripting language): is used to implement dynamic functions and special effects on web pages, such as animation, interaction, etc. The most accurate web design idea is to divide the web page into three levels, namely: structure layer (HTML), presentation layer (CSS), and behavior layer (Javascript). 1. Structural layer: determines the structure and content of the web page, that is, “what content is displayed.” 2. Presentation layer: Design the presentation style of the web page, that is, “how to display relevant content” 3. Behavior layer: control the behavior (effect) of the web page, that is, “how the content should be” React to events” The relationship…
How to learn the basics of Web front-end? html, css, JavaScript knowledge architecture diagram
In the past, developers only needed to master the troika of HTML, CSS, and Javascript to be qualified for a front-end job. Now, in addition to ordinary coding, we also need to consider how to optimize performance and how to implement functions across terminals and platforms. Especially the advent of AI and 5G technologies are accelerating the update of front-end technology and forcing developers to constantly learning, unable to accept new technical standards. “What to learn” and “how to learn” are actually the issues we need to focus on solving. Therefore, today I will sort out the front-end knowledge framework for you, help you re-traverse the knowledge points, and make it easier to learn by checking for gaps. Let’s first look at what is knowledge architecture? We can understand it as a “catalogue” or index of knowledge. It can help us organize scattered knowledge and also help us discover some blind spots in knowledge. This article contains Javascript, CSS and HTML, as well as browser implementation principles and APIs. These three modules cover all the knowledge a front-end engineer needs to master. Javascript knowledge architecture diagram In the Javascript module, first of all, we can split the language according to…
Course assignment for learning basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in Web programming “Imitating 360 Speed Browser New Tab Page”…
WebBasics of Programming–HTML, CSS, Javascript Learning course assignment “Imitate 360Extremely fast browser new tab page” Background: As a technical secondary school website builder,I always made static HTML+CSS+DIV before I have learned Javascript(jQuery),This semester, I have re-learned what I have learned before and learned some scripting languages. Combined with my usual programming background, I learned it very quickly as a semester assignment, a self-defined task, and I tried to implement the new tab of 360 Speed Browser. page (I didn’t have a good idea at the beginning. I have always preferred 360 speed browser, not advertising. The school computer room is not connected to the Internet. I originally wanted to do 404. Open it alone. After opening the browser, I saw the new tab page “it felt pretty good” and decided to ‘try’ it). Knowledge points used: The most basic HTML+CSS+DIV knowledge is used Layout uses Javascript jQuery to add “special effects” to the page based on the layout. Page analysis: & #xff08;mainL) For the above picture, there are two major parts: the upper part Search, lower tab page. The search div: consists of a search bar area and a button area. Search bar area div:Search engine selection icon(There is also…
Web basic knowledge points (html, css, http, javaScript)
1.htmlBasic Knowledge HTML is not a programming language, but a markup language used to tell the browser how to organize a page. 1. Element The start tag + content + end tag is a complete element. But empty elements only have start tags. For example: the element is used to insert a specified picture at the location of the element . 2. Nested elements Elements can be placed within other elements – this is called nesting set. For example: I love my Motherland The tag is used here to emphasize the content of the motherland. 3. Introduction to common elements (1.) Title to (2.) Paragraph (3.) List List with serial number: List without serial number: (4.) Hyperlink (5.) Image (6.) Block-level semantic element None Semantic elements are usually used to organize content so that it can be laid out or manipulated through CSS or JS later. (7.) Inline semantic-less elements 4. Document structure 5.htmlComments 2.css basic knowledge Full name: CascadingStyleSheets->Cascading Style Sheets Definition: CSS becomes a cascading style sheet, which is mainly used to set the text content (font, size, alignment, etc.), the shape of the image (width and height, border style, margins, etc.) in the HTML page, and The…
Introduction to method examples of javascript preloading images, css, and js
The advantage of preloading is that the web page can be presented to the user faster. The disadvantage is that it may increase useless requests (but static files such as images, css, and js can be cached). If the css and js in the page the user visits are , pictures are preloaded, users can open the page much faster, improving user experience. When using some large pictures to display, preloading large pictures is a very good method, so that the pictures can be presented to users faster. Not much to say, as a front-end siege master, everyone knows it. Let me share the tests I did and the results obtained. First let’s talk about the status code returned by the server that you need to know:status-code: 200 – The client request is successfulstatus-code: 304 – The file is already in the browser cache, and the server tells the client that it turns out that Buffered documents can continue to be used. This article tests to determine whether the file has been cached. It is used to determine whether 304 is returned. The following is a test of several preloading methods, including loading img/js/css in different browsers, including new Image(),…
How to learn the basics of Web front-end? html, css, JavaScript knowledge architecture diagram
In the past, developers only needed to master the troika of HTML, CSS, and Javascript to be qualified for a front-end job. Now, in addition to ordinary coding, we also need to consider how to optimize performance and how to implement functions across terminals and platforms. Especially the advent of AI and 5G technologies are accelerating the update of front-end technology and forcing developers to constantly learning, unable to accept new technical standards. “What to learn” and “how to learn” are actually the issues we need to focus on solving. Therefore, today I will sort out the front-end knowledge framework for you, help you re-traverse the knowledge points, and make it easier to learn by checking for gaps. Let’s first look at what is knowledge architecture? We can understand it as a “catalogue” or index of knowledge. It can help us organize scattered knowledge and also help us discover some blind spots in knowledge. This article contains Javascript, CSS and HTML, as well as browser implementation principles and APIs. These three modules cover all the knowledge a front-end engineer needs to master. Javascript knowledge architecture diagram In the Javascript module, first of all, we can split the language according to…
Course assignment for learning basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in Web programming “Imitating 360 Speed Browser New Tab Page”…
WebBasics of Programming–HTML, CSS, Javascript Learning course assignment “Imitate 360Extremely fast browser new tab page” Background: As a technical secondary school website builder,I always made static HTML+CSS+DIV before I have learned Javascript(jQuery),This semester, I have re-learned what I have learned before and learned some scripting languages. Combined with my usual programming background, I learned it very quickly as a semester assignment, a self-defined task, and I tried to implement the new tab of 360 Speed Browser. page (I didn’t have a good idea at the beginning. I have always preferred 360 speed browser, not advertising. The school computer room is not connected to the Internet. I originally wanted to do 404. Open it alone. After opening the browser, I saw the new tab page “it felt pretty good” and decided to ‘try’ it). Knowledge points used: The most basic HTML+CSS+DIV knowledge is used Layout uses Javascript jQuery to add “special effects” to the page based on the layout. Page analysis: & #xff08;mainL) For the above picture, there are two major parts: the upper part Search, lower tab page. The search div: consists of a search bar area and a button area. Search bar area div:Search engine selection icon(There is also…
Web basic knowledge points (html, css, http, javaScript)
1.htmlBasic Knowledge HTML is not a programming language, but a markup language used to tell the browser how to organize a page. 1. Element The start tag + content + end tag is a complete element. But empty elements only have start tags. For example: the element is used to insert a specified picture at the location of the element . 2. Nested elements Elements can be placed within other elements – this is called nesting set. For example: I love my Motherland The tag is used here to emphasize the content of the motherland. 3. Introduction to common elements (1.) Title to (2.) Paragraph (3.) List List with serial number: List without serial number: (4.) Hyperlink (5.) Image (6.) Block-level semantic element None Semantic elements are usually used to organize content so that it can be laid out or manipulated through CSS or JS later. (7.) Inline semantic-less elements 4. Document structure 5.htmlComments 2.cssbasicknowledge Fullname:CascadingStyleSheets->CascadingStyleSheets Definition:CSSbecomesacascadingstylesheet,whichismainlyusedtosetthetextcontent(font,size,alignment,etc.),theshapeoftheimage(widthandheight,borderstyle,margins,etc.)intheHTMLpage,andThelayoutofthelayoutandotherappearancedisplaystyles.CSSisbasedonHTMLandprovidesawealthoffunctions(suchasfont,color,backgroundcontrol,overalllayout,etc.),andcanalsosetdifferentstylesfordifferentbrowsers. TherelationshipbetweenHTML,CSSandJS HTMLisamarkuplanguagethatisusedtostructurethecontentofourwebpagesandgivethecontentmeaning.Forexample,defineparagraphs,headings,anddatatables,orembedimagesandvideosintopages. CSSisastyleruleslanguagethatcanbeusedtoapplystylestoHTMLcontent,suchassettingbackgroundcolorsandfonts,andlayingoutcontentinmultiplecolumns. Javascriptisascriptinglanguagethatcanbeusedtocreatedynamicallyupdatingcontent,controlmultimedia,animateimages,andmuchmore. 3.BasicknowledgeofJavascript WhatisJavascriptcisascript,aprogramminglanguage,whichcanComplexfunctionsareimplementedonwebpages.Whatwebpagesshowyouisnolongersimplestaticinformation,butreal-timecontentupdates,interactivemaps,2D/3Danimations,scrollingvideos,etc.HowtoaddJavascripttoapageJavascriptcanbeaddedtoanHTMLpagejustlikeCSS.CSSusestheelementtolinktoexternalstylesheets,andtheelementtoembedinternalstylesheetsintoHTML.Javascriptonlyneedsoneelementhere-.Javascriptrunsequence AfterthecollectionofHTMLandCSSisassembledintoawebpage,thebrowser’sJavascriptengineexecutestheJavascriptcode.ThisensuresthatthestructureandstylingofthewebpagearealreadyinplacebeforetheJavascriptstartsrunning. WhenthebrowserexecutesapieceofJavascriptcode,itusuallyexecutesthecodefromtoptobottom.Thismeansyouneedtopayattentiontotheorderinwhichyourcodeiswritten. 4.KnowledgerelatedtoHTTPprotocol HTTPprotocol(HyperTextTransferProtocol),whichisbasedontheapplicationlayerofTCPprotocolThetransmissionprotocolissimplyarulefordatatransmissionbetweentheclientandtheserver.url http协议格式 5.Requestformat 6. Response format The format of the HTTP response is except for the status line (first line) and Except for the different request lines, the format is the same 7.Commonrequestmethodsandmeanings 8.…
Looking for more details: Han Shunping’s complete tutorial on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (Gonghe Lecture 55) [HTML]
Web front-end|html tutorial html, 55, tutorial, Gonghe, Javascript web front-end-html tutorial I am also learning Regarding software, I heard that the teaching of html, css, and Javascript by Mr. Han Shunping of Chuanzhi Podcast is unparalleled. However, I searched for a long time on Chuanzhi Podcast before I found 35 lectures. There are also 20 core lectures that have not been made public. . . . . . So I searched online for a day, and finally something surprised me! ! ! I suddenly found a seemingly inconspicuous little website, which contains all 55 lectures! ! ! ! So I want to share this teaching with the majority of learners. Since it is a small website, there will be a lot of ads, but just close them after they pop up! ! It must be downloadable! ! I’ve downloaded it! ! Again: If you decide it can be downloaded, please give it a try! ! ! Download links are posted below: blkdevparts source code, vscode comparison function, ubuntu window, tomcat tag name, sqlite table deletion statement, dede Baidu structured data submission plug-in, web front-end development framework training class, reptile Japanese Name, php UnionPay interface, seo promotion recommended posting, mobile h5…