C# webapi parameters (AI)
In C# WebAPI, parameters are used to receive and The way to handle the data passed in the HTTP request. WebAPI supports different types of parameters, including route parameters, query string parameters, request body parameters, and header parameters. The following are some commonly used WebAPI parameter types: Route Parameters: Route parameters extract values from the URL’s path. In WebAPI, routing parameters are usually defined using route templates, and these values are received by declaring the parameters in the action method of the controller. csharpCopy code [Route(“api/products/{productId}”)] public IHttpActionResult GetProduct(int productId) { // Code to retrieve product by productId } Query String Parameters (Query String Parameters): Query String Parameters are parameters appended to the end of the URL and are used to transmit data to the server. In WebAPI, you can declare parameters in the action method and use [FromQuery] attribute tag to accept query string parameters. csharpCopy code public IHttpActionResult Get(int id = 0) { // If the id parameter is not passed , will use the default value of 0 } FromBody and FromUri features: When receiving complex objects or getting data from the body of the request, you need to use [FromBody] attribute. And when getting query string…