9. The global-result configuration of result [global result set]_ covers _Jsoh’s blog
class=”htmledit_views”> global-result configuration-: The purpose is, for example, that other modules need to jump to the same error or the page does not need to be defined for each package. struts.xml configuration: <!DOCTYPE struts PUBLIC “-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.3//EN” ” http://struts. apache.org/dtds/struts-2.3.dtd“> <package name= “package1” namespace=”/one” extends=”struts-default”> /error.jsp //Global result set, errors returned by other actions will be accepted and processed to jump to error.jsp /r1.jsp //when When LoginAction processing returns an error, jump to /error.jsp <package name=" package2” namespace=”/two” extends=”package1“> //Inherit package1, also inherit “struts-default” //when When LoginAction processing returns an error, jump to /error.jsp /r1.jsp