.NET Core open source DDD microservice supports multi-tenancy, single sign-on, multi-level caching, automatic tasks, distribution, logs, authorization and authentication, gateway, registration and discovery, system architecture, docker deployment
Source code address https://github.com/junkai-li/NetCoreKevin
Build a cross-platform DDD-thinking WebApi architecture based on NET6, IDS4 single sign-on, multiple caches, automatic tasks, distribution, multi-tenants, and logs , authorization and authentication, CAP, SignalR, docker deployment
If you need a simple project, you can directly remove the project reference. In the decoupled design, you can reference the architecture separately. By default, all references are made and started. When starting the project, pay attention to the relevant Redis, db links, RedisSignalR, ConsulSetting, and configuration
If you do not want to configure it, cancel the reference comment and report an error. Injection is OK
docker configuration
json configuration
Part of the description1. Table of contents
1.Kevin.AuthorizationService: Issuing authorization service center built based on Identity framework
2.Common: The tool library includes some extension classes, help classes, static methods, WeChat, Alipay, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent, Json related, and SSL certificates
3. Documentation: Basic usage documentation
4.InitData: Data initialization Sql script
5. Model: used to store Dto and related structure types
6.Quartz: Automatic task scheduling system based on Quartz
7.Kevin.Repository: Database work unit storage
8.AppServices: Application service layer
9.Web: Web-related tool layer includes authentication, filters, middleware, global classes, permission control, basic classes, cache, service initialization, single sign-on
10.WebApi: API layer
11.CrawlingService: Based on Selenium.WebDriver.MSEdgeDriver for crawling data||automated testing
12.AppRepositorieRps data warehousing layer
13.AppDomainServices domain service layer
docker deployment file
Unified service registration
Modular service registration
Feature injection usage
Authorization Center
Cap Services
Real-time communication service
Consul service
Common filters and static global services
Common help classes and extension classes
The crawler is based on Selenium.WebDriver.MSEdgeDriver for crawling data||automated testing
The role of open source learning. Everyone is welcome to ask questions. Please don’t comment!