Data types in JAVA: basic types, reference types
Basic types: numeric, byte, integer, long integer, character, Boolean, etc.;
Reference type: class, interface, array;
Notes on using identifiers:
1. Cannot start with a number
2. Case sensitive
3. Cannot quote keywords
4. CamelCase (first letter capitalized)
5. Pascal’s nomenclature (first letter primary, other words capitalized)
Application of π
π : final data type constant name (all uppercase) = constant value
Input in java
Header file: import java.util.Scanner
Scanner input (nameable) = new Scanner(
Input: System.out.println(“Please enter: “);
int (data type) num (optional name) = input.nextInt()
input.nextInt();(receive shaping input)
input.nextDouble();(receive Double type input);(receive string type input)
The minimum value of an integer in java: Integer.MIN_VALUE; (the green part must be capitalized)
Random numbers in java: (int)(Math.random()*100);
String comparisons in java are equal:
Example: if(“name”.equals(variable name))
Fully qualified name:package name.package name.class name.fully qualified name
The package name must be the first executable statement in the source file
Important words: public public protected protected private private
Method: public String toString(){
return “name”+name+”sex” +sex + “age” + age
Access modifier return value type method name (parameter list){
Method body: function code block to be implemented
Create object:
Create a student object:
Student stu = new Student();
Stu. variable name ();
JAVAOO 1-4 chapter learning focus