CommunityToolkit.Mvvm8.1 message notification (4)
In order to separate different modules of the application and reduce references between modules, CommunityToolkit.Mvvm provides a message notification function, which can facilitate data transfer between modules.
Send a message
Method: WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Send
The official recommendation is to use ValueChangedMessage to encapsulate data transmission
//Send send message
WeakReferenceMessenger. Default. Send( "qq1" );
//Special attention: directly passing the value can only be a reference type, and the value type cannot be compiled successfully (for example: the following 2 sentences will not work)
//WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Send(11, "token_1");
//WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Send(true, "token_1");
//The above is also possible, but the official recommendation is to use ValueChangedMessage to encapsulate data transfer
WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Send<ValueChangedMessage , string>( new ValueChangedMessage( "qq1 from UserControlLeftViewModel") , "token_1" );
It is recommended to bring the token name when sending messages, so that it is convenient for subscription receivers to filter data
WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Send<ValueChangedMessage , string>( new ValueChangedMessage( "qq1 from UserControlLeftViewModel") , "token_1" );
Send message passing object
public class MyUserMessage
public string UserName
get; set;
public int Age
get; set;
//Send sends a complex data
var _data1 = new MyUserMessage() { Age = 18 , UserName = "qq" };
WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Send<ValueChangedMessage , string>( new ValueChangedMessage( _data1 ), "token_class" );
Send a message and return a response value
/// Must inherit RequestMessage RequestMessage means the type of returned data is string
public class MyMessage : RequestMessage
public string Datas;
public int Ids;
//result receives the returned value
//MyMessage must inherit from RequestMessage
var _data2 = new MyMessage() { Datas = "qqq" , Ids = 100 };
var result1 = WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Send( _data2, "token_Response");
if ( result1 != null )
//Get the returned value
var val = result1. Response;
Name = val;
Receive subscription news
Two ways to receive:
Method 1. Inherit ObservableRecipient
Method 2. Implement interface IRecipient
Method 1 is more flexible than Method 2, and Method 1 is recommended
Receiver remember to set IsActive=true to receive the message
We receive message data in OnActivated of vm
private string name = "hello";
public UserControlTopViewModel ()
//Note that you have to write in this way before you can answer
IsActive = true;
protected override void OnActivated ()
//RegisterThe first type is generally its own type, and the second is the type of received data
//The first parameter of the Register method is generally this, and the second parameter is a method that can get the received value
Messenger.Register( this , ( r , message ) =>
Name = Name + "Received msg:" + message;
} );
//RegisterThe first type is generally its own type, the second is the type of received data, and the third is the type of token data
//The first parameter of the Register method is generally this, the second parameter is token, and the third parameter is a method that can get the received value
//Messenger.Register( this , "token_1" , ( r , message ) =>
// Name = Name + "Received msg:" + message;
//} );
Messenger.Register<UserControlTopViewModel , ValueChangedMessage , string>( this , "token_1" , ( r , message ) =>
Name = Name + "Received msg:" + message.Value;
} );
//Messenger.Register( this , "token_class" , ( r , user ) =>
// Name = Name + "Received msg:" + user.UserName + user.Age;
//} );
Messenger.Register<UserControlTopViewModel , ValueChangedMessage , string>( this , "token_class" , ( r , user ) =>
Name = Name + "Received msg:" + user.Value.UserName + user.Value.Age;
} );
Messenger.Register( this , "token_Response" , ( r , message ) =>
Name = Name + "Received msg:" + message.Datas;
//Reply is a reply, so you can return a value
message.Reply( "UserControlTopViewModel gives you the return value" );
} );
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My Series
A.Sql Server2005 Transact-SQL new weapon learning
B.MCAD learning
C.Code Reading Summary
D.ASP.NET State Management
E.DB (database)
I hope the knowledge mentioned above can give you some hints, and welcome to exchange and correct.
Author: aierong
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