Android development shares the problems encountered by BatteryHistorian in Android development
The pit encountered by BatteryHistorian 1. JS compilation problem 2. Android Q cannot resolve bugreport issues 3. Build a local offline version of Battery Historian Browse android development and share the problems encountered by Battery Historian in Android development, you can get the following information 1. Solve the problem that the compilation cannot pass when executing go run setup.go; 2. Upload After, Android Q cannot resolve the problem; 3. Build an offline version of Battery Historian 1. JS compilation problem As follows, when executing go run setup.go, an error as shown in the following picture will appear. This problem has not been solved in the latest (2020.08.20) code. I don’t know when the problem was introduced. You can refer to Github The description of the BatteryHistorian 183 problem, the main solution is to roll back the version. If you pull the closure-library separately from Github, you need to roll back the version under the path you pulled down first, and then copy it to third_party. You cannot roll back directly under third_party/closure-library, and you will be prompted “ambiguous argument ‘v20170409 ‘: unknown revision or path not in the working tree.”; if after executing go get -d -u…, there…
Computer screensaver underwater world_In the giant man-made lake in Houston, NASA “raised” an underwater Transformer
Big Data Digest Source :IEEE Compilation : Chu Yang, Xing Chang, Li Lei surrounded by a piece of blue & # xff0c; not far away & # xff0c; two astronauts are practicing spacewalk & # xff0c; in this quiet space & # xff0c; only the sound of breathing and occasionally from the command center order to break the silence. Don’t get me wrong,This is not space,it’s in a huge pool of water in Houston,NASA(NASA)uses it Train astronauts to adapt to weightlessness. Floating in the water with the astronauts is a giant orange robot – Aquanaut. It shuttles smoothly through the water like a micro-submarine. At the beginning & # xff0c; it is no different from other unmanned underwater vehicles & # xff0c; rely on sensors to collect data & # xff0c; advance with the help of thrusters. Then , The painting style changes , Aquanaut is like a Transformer , the back bulges , two arms are exposed , twisting the head full of sensors , ;After a while,Transformation completed,Aquanaut, the submarine transformer, will be officially launched! The universe Aquanqut is very special compared to other unmanned underwater vehicles. When performing long-distance cruising tasks,it can be an agile torpedo submarine,when…
Some views and SQL I used in employee attendance calculation
SELECT [EmploId] ,[EmploName] ,DATEADD(dd,number,BeginTime) as CheckDay ,[Hours] AS TimeOfTravel FROM [tbTravel4Project] a,(select distinct number from master..spt_values p) pwhere p.number between 0 and DATEDIFF(dd,a.BeginTime,a.EndTime) used to generate branches Record (the processing of leaves and business trips ) declare @sql varchar(8000)set @sql = & #39; SELECT [EmploId],[EmploName],[Dept],[BeginTime],[EndTime] 'select @sql = @sql + ' , max(case [LeaveReson] when ''' + [LeaveReson] + ''' then isnull( [Hours],7) else 0 end) [' + [LeaveReson] + ']'from (select distinct [LeaveReson] from [tbLeaveRecord] ) as aset @sql = @sql + ' from [tbLeaveRecord] where [Year] = 2010 and [Month] = ; 10 group by [EmploId],[EmploName],[Dept],[BeginTime],[EndTime]'exec(@sql) A dynamic row and column Transpose (Mainly classify and summarize all kinds of leave ) CREATE VIEW VI_CheckSystemDataAS(SELECT [EmploId] ,[EmploName] ,[CheckDay] ,MIN(TheCheckTime) AS OnWorkTime ,MAX(TheCheckTime) AS OffWorkTimeFROM ( ( /> SELECT EmploId, EmploName, CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(varchar, CheckTime, 101)) AS CheckDay, CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(varchar, CheckTime, 114 )) AS TheCheckTime FROM [tbTempCheckRecord] ) AS nGROUP BY EmploId,EmploName,CheckDay) Get the earliest and latest time of check-in record (Here I extract the punch-in record of the month in advance and put it in the temporary table) /****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS******/ –4 time points cut the time axis into 5 segments , cast 2 time points…
[Linux] tail command
Purpose The tail command is mainly used to take out the last few lines Full name The full name of the tail command is tail (tail) Parameter -n: followed by The numbers represent the meaning of displaying a few lines -f: loop reading -q: do not display processing information -v: display detailed processing information Case Case 1: Display the last 5 lines of the file [root@bigdata ~]# tail -5 /etc/man_db.conf # #————————————————- ——– # Flags. # NOCACHE keeps man from creating cat pages. #NOCACHE Case 2: Cycle through file content [root@bigdata /]# ping localhost >test.txt & [4] 9944 [root@bigdata /]# tail -f test.txt 64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=1791 ttl=64 time=0.112 ms 64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=1792 ttl=64 time=0.161 ms bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=1793 ttl=64 time=0.166 ms 64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=1794 ttl=64 time=0.133 ms …. Want to end press Just CTRL+C Case 3: Display the file from line 5 [root@bigdata /]# tail -n +5 /etc/man_db.conf # their PATH environment variable. For details see the manpath(5) man page. # # Lines beginning with `#‘ are comments and are ignored. Any combination of # tabs or spaces may be used as `whitespace` separators. # # There are three…
hdu4336 Expect to buy as many noodles as possible to collect all the cards (beginner)
Setting a state compression is the same expectation as 3853: Analyze the follow-up point carefully Bought and not bought can easily write the equation 1 #include 2 #include<string.h> 3 #include 4 using namespace std ; 5 double dp[1050005]; 6 int main() 7 { 8 span> int i,j,size,next,n; 9 double zp,p[ 21];10 while (~scanf(“%d“,&n))11 {12 for (i=0;i<n;i++) scanf(“ span>%lf“,&p[i]);13 size=( 1<<n)-1;14 memset(dp,0,sizeof(dp));15 for (i=size-1;i>=0;i–)16 {17 zp=0.0;18 for (j=0;j<n;j++)19 if ((i&(1<<j))==0) 20 {21 zp+=p[j]; 22 next=(i|(1<<j));23 dp[ i]+=p[j]*dp[next];24 }25 dp[i]=(dp[i]+1)/zp;26 }27 printf(“%.5lf\n“,dp[0]);28 }29 return 0;30 } View Code Problem link : Transfer: https:/ /
Baidu Netdisk SVIP Big Promotion: Free Youku, QQ Music Membership Annual Card
Visit: Baidu Netdisk SVIP+Youku Video+QQ Music+Himalaya+Kankan Manga 238 yuan It should be noted that for this activity, one mobile phone number/QQ account can only participate once, and multiple purchases are not supported. In addition, if your Baidu Netdisk membership has expired for more than 4 years, purchases are not supported. After payment, the membership benefits will be recharged to the account within 5-10 minutes. If your claim interface shows that some benefits have not been claimed, please follow the prompts on the page and continue to receive Youku videos, QQ music, Membership benefits such as Himalaya and Kuaikan Manga, please claim them within the specified period for claiming benefits. If they expire, you will automatically give up the benefits and become invalid.
AIX5LLDAP user management (1)
Author :Lakshmi Shankar Source: IBM DW China Overview of AIX 5L? Operating System V5.3 TL5 Update Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, LDAP) related enhancements. These enhancements include support for Active Directory, multiple base distinguished name (DN) support,, and an extended base DN format. Introduction For the AIX 5L? operating system , based on Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) user management is getting more and more attention. Typically & # xff0c; clients can use LDAP or LDAP with Kerberos for their authentication and user management needs. LDAP provides a centralized mechanism for maintaining system configuration and policy information. This enables clients to configure and manage multiple systems using only one set of user-identified configuration information, and simplifies system administration. The AIX 5L LDAP client supports centralized administration of administrative databases of user, group, and network information for various systems. Terminology In this article,we will use the following terms and definitions:Table 1. TermsTerm descriptionActive Directory service Microsoft? AIX 5L V5.3 TL 05 AIX 5L Service Release Technology Level 05 LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol , an open standard for user security repository and authentication mechanism />SFU Microsoft’s Services For UNIX? software module , which provides Active Directory configuration in…
The Consistency of Java Ecological Fragmentation and .NET Ecology
.NET Core is open source under the MIT protocol, and Java is open source under the GPL protocol. Java 8 SDK upgrade to Oracle has a major impact on many small companies. The Java ecosystem is becoming more and more fragmented. There are many OpenJDK releases. Tencent Cloud and Alibaba both have OpenJDK releases. Loongson also has a MIPS version of OpenJDK. , Huawei also has Bisheng JDK, and there are more OpenJDK versions abroad, and even Microsoft has released an OpenJDK version. Each manufacturer has its own abacus. For example, Huawei’s Bisheng JDK demonstrates Huawei’s focus on the JDK ecology—optimization based on the ARM architecture, making it a part of the openEuler basic software software ecosystem. This fragmented ecology will eventually feed back OpenJDK, promoting a healthier and more prosperous development of the Java ecosystem. It is difficult for the major manufacturers of OpenJDK to converge together. In contrast, the ecological consistency of dotnet is getting better and better. When Microsoft decided to open source dotnet in 2014, it pre-designed the superstructure for the consistency of dotnet ecological development-.NET Foundation Yes, .NET will be open sourced using the MIT/Apache 2 protocol, and the relevant intellectual property rights and patents…
The .xml configuration file of MyBatis is not in the target (compiled) solution
1. Make sure the folder has this logo 2. Make sure the pom.xml folder has this label (the function is to copy the required suffix name file in the configuration directory to the target) src/main/java **/*.properties **/*.xml false (The following two situations are sometimes small bugs of IDEA) 3. Still unsuccessful when both 1 and 2 are guaranteed to be correct: Click Right toolbar Maven–>Lifecycle–>clean (clear target)–compile (recompile) and then run 4.Build->Rebuild Project (compulsory project compilation ) and run again 5. Manually copy and copy the file to be compiled to the location of the target 6.File—>Invalidate Caches /Restart…(invalid cache)—>Invalidate and Restart (clear the previous cache of idea, restart idea)