C# study notes–complex data types, functions and structures
Basic knowledge of C# language. After learning and practicing the introductory knowledge of C#, learn and practice the basic knowledge of C# language!
Involves the basics of the language—some complex data types, as well as classes and structures. Out of simple small program code snippets,
Begin to gradually move towards the abstract world of data. come on!
C# basic
Complex data type
Features: A collection of multiple data variables that can be named by yourself
Types: enumerations, arrays and structures
- Enumeration: a collection of integer constants
- Array: A collection of sequentially stored data of any variable type
- Structure: a data block composed of data of any variable type
Enumerations can conveniently represent various states of objects, and are essentially variables.
For example, we can use enumerations to represent the type of monster and the player’s action state (stationary, fighting, injured…)
Declaration of enumeration:
enum E_MonsterType//Name E_XXX
Boss,//1 automatically postpones based on the previous value
enum E_PlayerType
Usage of enumeration types:
//Customized enumeration type variable name = default value; (Customized enumeration type. Enumeration item)
E_PlayerType playerType = E_PlayerType.Other;
if(playerType == E_PlayerType.Main)
Console.WriteLine("Main player logic");
else if(playerType == E_PlayerType.Other)
Console.WriteLine("Other player logic");
//Enumerations are often combined with switch statements
//Enumeration and switch are a natural match
E_MonsterType monsterType = E_MonsterType.Boss;
case E_MonsterType.Normal:
Console.WriteLine("Ordinary monster logic");
case E_MonsterType.Boss:
Console.WriteLine("Boss logic");
Enumeration type conversion:
- Conversion between enumeration and int:
int i=(int) playerType;
- Conversion between enumeration and string:
string str=playerType.ToSring();
An array is an ordered collection of data that stores the same specific variable type, and is a continuous storage in memory.
One-dimensional array
//Array declaration
int[] arr1;//Unallocated memory address
int[] arr2=new int[5];//Element default value 0
int[] arr3=new int[5]{1,2,3,4,5};
int[] arr4=new int[]{1,2,3};
int[] arr5={1,2,3,4,5,6};
//Usage of array
arr2[0];//Get the elements in the array
arr2[2]=99;//Modify content
//Traversal of array
for(int i=0;i<arr2.Length;i++)
//Custom expansion of array
//Declare a new large-capacity array and copy and transfer the old one
int[] array2 = new int[6];
//move place
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
array2[i] = array[i];
array = array2;
//Customize the implementation of deleting elements of the array
int[] array3 = new int[5];
//move transfer
for (int i = 0; i < array3.Length; i++)
array3[i] = array[i];
array = array3;
//Find elements in array
//Only traverse the array and terminate the traversal if the appropriate one is found.
int a = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
if( a == array[i] )
Console.WriteLine("The element equal to a is at index position {0}", i);
Multidimensional array (two-dimensional array)
//Two-dimensional array
int[,] arr;
int[,] arr2=new int[3,4];
int[,] arr3=new int[3,4]{{0,1,2,3},//Give the element content and tell the dimension the number of elements
int[,] arr4=new int[,]{{0,1,2,3},//Give the element content and tell the dimension
int[,] arr5={{0,1,2,3}, //Give the element content directly
//Get the length
arr3.GetLength(0);//The length of the line
arr3.GetLength(1);//The length of the column
//Get elements
arr3[1,1];//Elements of the first row and first column
//Traverse the two-dimensional array
for(int i=0;i<arr3.GetLength(0);i++)
for(int j=0;j<arr3.GetLength(1);j++)
//Access specific elements
//Add array elements
//Idea: Create a large-capacity array and copy the small array elements to the large array
//Finally modify the small array index to point to the large array to achieve "array expansion"
//Delete array elements (same as adding)
//Find elements in the array (traverse comparison)
Jagged array
Jagged arrays are different from multi-dimensional arrays in that they are arrays of arrays. One-dimensional array elements are also arrays, and their lengths do not have to be exactly the same.
//interleaved array
int [][] arr1;
intvalue = 3;
static void ChangeArrayOut(out int[] arr)
arr = new int[] { 666, 777, 888, 999 };
//Add to Main function
int a1 = 1;
Console.WriteLine("a1 original value {0}", a1);
Console.WriteLine("The value of a1 after calling the ChangValue function {0}", a1); //The value has not changed
ChangeValueOut(out a1);
Console.WriteLine("The value of a1 after a1 calls the ChangValueOut function {0}", a1); //Change the value
int[] arr1 = { 100, 200, 300 };
Console.WriteLine("arr1[0]original value{0}", arr1[0]);
Console.WriteLine("The value of arr1[0] after calling the ChangArray function {0}", arr1[0]); //The value has not changed
ChangeArrayOut(out arr1);
Console.WriteLine("The value of arr1[0] after calling the ChangArrayOut function {0}", arr1[0]);//Change the value
- The variable passed in by ref must be initialized and out does not have to
- The variable passed in by out must be assigned internally, ref does not need to be
Understanding: ref already has an initial value when it is passed in, so it does not need to be modified internally,
out may not have an initial value when it is passed in, so to ensure it is valid, it must be assigned internally.
Variable-length parameter keyword of function —params
- It can only be followed by an array
- The array type can be any type
- Only one
can appear in the function parameter list, and the modified parameters can only appear at the end
//Function variable length parameter keyword params must be an array after
//Find the sum of n ints
int Sum(params int[] arr)
int sum=0;
for(int i=0;i<arr.Length;i++)
return sum;
void Chat(string name,params string[] things)
//Function body...
Function parameter default value
There can be multiple parameters in the function parameter list. Parameters with default values must be after ordinary parameters
void Speak(string thing="I have nothing more to say")
Speak("I want to say,,,,");
Function overloading:
In the same statement block, the function name is the same, but the parameter list of the function is different (the parameter type is different or the number of parameters is different, if both are the same, the parameter order is different)
//Function overloading
//The number of parameters of the function is different
int Sum(int a,int b)
return a+b;
int Sum(int a,int b,int c)
return a+b+c;
// Parameters have the same number but different types
float Sum(int a,int b)
return a+b;
float Sum(float f1,float f2)
return f1+f2;
//Parameters have the same number, same type, but different order
float Sum(float f,int i)
return f+i;
float Sum(int i,float f)
return f+i;
//ref and out change parameter types and constitute overloading with ordinary functions
//ref and out are counted as one class and cannot constitute overloads of each other.
int Sum(int a,int b)
return a+b;
int Sum(ref int a,int b)
return a+b;
//params can be used as overloads
//But parameter default values cannot constitute overloading
recursive function
The function calls itself, and recursion has a recursive base and conditions for ending the call.
//Recursively print 0-10
void Fun(int a)
//Recursion----find the factorial of a certain number
int getFactory(int a)
//end condition
return 1;
//recursive base
return a*getFactory(a-1);
//Recursion----find 1! +2! +3! +···+10!
int getFactorySum(int num)
return 1;
return getFactorial(num)+getFactorial(num-1);
//A bamboo pole is 100m long and is cut in half every day. What is the length on the tenth day?
void getLong(float length,int day=0)
Console.WriteLine("The length of the bamboo after cutting on the tenth day is {0} meters", length);
//---Recursively print 1-200
//Recursion + short circuit
bool Fun5(int num)
return num==200||Fun5(num+1);//The first one is true and will be short-circuited
A structure is a collection of data and methods, in namespace
Naming rules: Pascal nomenclature (first letters are all capitalized)
- No return value
- Must be the same as the structure name
- Must have parameters
- If there is a constructor, all variables must be assigned
struct Student
//Cannot contain structures of its own type--Student s; Error!
public string name;
public int age;//Numeric variables cannot be initialized directly
public bool sex;
//Constructor (there is a parameterless constructor by default. If there is a constructor, the default constructor will not fail, which is different from classes)
//Initialize variables
public Student(string name,int age,bool sex)
public void Speak()
//Use of structure
Student s1;
Access modifier
- public
- private (not written as private by default)
- Protect inherited can be accessed
- internal – internal types or members can only be accessed in files in the same assembly
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��cannot be initialized directly
public bool sex;
//Constructor (there is a parameterless constructor by default. If there is a constructor, the default constructor will not fail, which is different from classes)
//Initialize variables
public Student(string name,int age,bool sex)
public void Speak()
//Use of structure
Student s1;
Access modifier
- public
- private (not written as private by default)
- Protect inherited can be accessed
- internal – internal types or members can only be accessed in files in the same assembly
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