Original image
Final effect
1. Open the original image and make a copy.
2. Select the menu: Image > Apply Image, select the blue channel, set the blending option to Screen, then click the mask option and select the red channel.
3. Create a channel mixer adjustment layer and set the blue channel. The parameters are: -112, +194, +8, 0.
4. Create a new layer with fill color: #CABE6E, then click on the channel panel, press Ctrl to click on the red channel to bring up the red channel selection, then return to the layer panel, press the mask button to add the selection as a mask , and then change the layer opacity to: 40%.
5. First create a layer and press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E to stamp the layer, and select the menu: Image > Apply Image. Select RGB for the channel, select “Multiple Overlay” as the blending mode, click Invert, then click the Mask option, and select the red channel.
6. Create a color balance adjustment layer. Parameter settings: Midtones: +18, +14, +22; Darktones: -13, +6, 0. Do not select newspaper brightness.
7. Create a level adjustment layer, parameter settings: 0, 108, 230.
8. First create a layer and press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E to stamp the layer. Select the menu: Image > Apply Image, select the red channel and RGB channel in Multiply blending mode, and click Mask Selection. red channel. Set the opacity to 51% and use the Topaz filter to sharpen it to complete the final effect.