Author: Anonymous Source: Author: Tenglong Vision
When post-processing photos of people, it is inevitable to stitch the photo images together to make the photos more beautiful and attractive. When picking out images of people, it is easier to pick out large images, but how to pick out the hair of people blowing in the wind? This problem has troubled many friends. Here I will introduce to my friends the use of ” Channel” methods and techniques for cutting out images.
Production steps:
(1) Execute the “File” → “Open” command and save the material “Character.jpg” file opens. Duplicate the “Background” layer.
(2) Use the Magnetic Lasso tool to select parts of the character’s body.
(3) Press the Alt+Delete key to fill the body part with black.
(4) In the “Channels” palette, select the “Blue” channel with a contrasting color and copy it.
(5) Execute the “Image”→”Adjustment”→”Color Level” command to set the “Color Level” dialog box,Adjust the image.
(6) Use the “Brush” tool to paint the character’s head black.
(7) Using the Smudge tool, smudge the stray hairs around the edges.
(8) Load the “Blue Copy” selection in the channel, set the foreground color to white, and then use the “Brush” tool to paint the excess background image.
(9) In the layer palette, click the “eye” icon in front of the “Background Copy” layer to hide the layer, and then Select the “Background” layer and flip the selection.
(10) Open the “Seascape.psd” file and drag the image in the selection Move to this document, and adjust the selection color level.
(11) Copy “Layer 1” and execute “Layer”→“Layer Style”→“Inner Glow” command, add Inner glow effect. Create a strong backlight effect.
(12) Create a new “Layer2” in the layer palette, and “Layer1Copy” merge.
(13)Select the “Eraser” tool to erase excess backlight Effect.
(14) Copy the “Layer1” layer and execute “Edit”→“Free Transform” command, adjust the “Layer1Copy” layer.
(15) Set the “Layer1Copy” layer to add shadows to the characters Effect, this completes the production of this example.
Author: Anonymous Source: Author: Tenglong Vision
When post-processing photos of people, it is inevitable to stitch the photo images together to make the photos more beautiful and attractive. When picking out images of people, it is easier to pick out large images, but how to pick out the hair of people blowing in the wind? This problem has troubled many friends. Here I will introduce to my friends the use of ” Channel” methods and techniques for cutting out images.
Production steps:
(1) Execute the “File” → “Open” command and save the material “Character.jpg” file opens. Duplicate the “Background” layer.
(2) Use the Magnetic Lasso tool to select parts of the character’s body.
(3) PressAlt+Delete key fills the body part with black.
(4) In the “Channels” palette, select the “Blue” channel with a contrasting color and copy it.
(5) Execute the “Image”→”Adjustment”→”Color Level” command to set the “Color Level” dialog box,Adjust the image.
(6) Use the “Brush” tool to paint the character’s head black.
(7) Using the Smudge tool, smudge the stray hairs around the edges.
(8) Load the “Blue Copy” selection in the channel, set the foreground color to white, and then use the “Brush” tool to paint the excess background image.
(9) In the layer palette, click the “eye” icon in front of the “Background Copy” layer to hide the layer, and then Select the “Background” layer and flip the selection.
(10) Open the “Seascape.psd” file and drag the image in the selection Move to this document, and adjust the selection color level.
(11) Copy “Layer 1” and execute “Layer”→“Layer Style”→“Inner Glow” command, add Inner glow effect. Create a strong backlight effect.
(12) Create a new “Layer2” in the layer palette, and “Layer1Copy” merge.
(13)Select the “Eraser” tool to erase excess backlight Effect.
(14)Copy the “Layer1” layer and execute “Edit”→“Free Transform” command, adjust the “Layer1Copy” layer.
(15) Set the “Layer1Copy” layer to add shadows to the characters Effect, this completes the production of this example.