How to adjust the page margins of PDF documents through C#/VB.NET code
PDF margins are the distance between the main content area of the page and the edge of the page. Unlike Word margins, PDF document margins are difficult to change. Because Adobe does not provide a direct method to manipulate margins. However, you can change the margins by scaling the page content. This article will introduce how to use C#/VB.NET code to adjust the margins of a PDF document without changing the page size.
- Increase the page margins of PDF documents
- Shorten the margins of PDF documents
Increase the page margins of PDF documents
The way to expand the margins of a PDF document is to create a new PDF with a larger page size, and then draw the source page at a suitable position on the large page. Here are the steps to increase the margins of a PDF document.
- Initialize the PdfDocument object.
- Create another PdfDocument object, which is used to create a new PDF document with a larger page size.
- Set the margin increment.
- Calculate the page size of the new PDF document.
- Loop through the pages in the original document and use the PdfPageBase.CreateTemplate() method to create a template based on a specific page.
- Use the PdfDocument.Pages.Add() method to add pages to a new PDF document.
- Use the PdfTemplate.Draw() method to draw the template at coordinates (0, 0) on the page.
- Use the PdfDocument.SaveToFile() method to save a new PDF document to a file.
Complete code
using Spire.Pdf; using Spire.Pdf .Graphics; using System.Drawing ; namespace IncreaseMargins { class Program { static void span> Main(string[] args ) { //Load the original PDF document PdfDocument originalPdf = new PdfDocument("How are polar day and polar night formed.pdf"); //Get the page PdfPageBase firstPage = originalPdf.Pages[0 ]; //Create new PdfDocument object PdfDocument newPdf = new PdfDocument(); //Set edge Increased value of distance PdfMargins margins = newPdf.PageSettings.Margins; margins.Top = 40; margins.Bottom = 40; margins.Left = 40; margins.Right = 40; //Calculate new Page size SizeF sizeF = new SizeF(firstPage.Size.Width + margins.Left + margins.Right, firstPage.Size.Height + margins .Top + margins.Bottom); //Loop traversal Page from original document for (int i = 0; i < originalPdf.Pages.Count; i++) { //Based on specific Page creation template PdfTemplate pdfTemplate = originalPdf.Pages[i].C1)">; float right = - 20; float top = - 20; float bottom = - 20; //Calculate new Page size SizeF sizeF = new SizeF(firstPage.Size.Width + left + right, firstPage.Size.Height + top + bottom); //Loop traversal Page from original document for (int i = 0; i < originalPdf.Pages.Count; i++) { //Based on specific Page creation template PdfTemplate pdfTemplate = originalPdf.Pages[i].CreateTemplate(); //Change the page Add to new PDF PdfPageBase page = newPdf.Pages.Add(sizeF, new PdfMargins(0)); //On the page Draw template pdfTemplate.Draw(page, left, top); } //Save new Documentation newPdf.SaveToFile("Reduce page margins Distance.pdf" , FileFormat.PDF); } } }
Imports Spire.Pdf Imports Spire.Pdf .Graphics Imports System.Drawing Namespace DecreaseMargins Friend Class span> Program Private Shared span> Sub Main(ByVal args As String()) 'Load original PDF Documentation Dim originalPdf As PdfDocument = New PdfDocument("How are polar day and polar night formed.pdf") 'Get first page Dim firstPage As PdfPageBase = originalPdf.Pages(0) 'Create new PdfDocument object Dim newPdf As PdfDocument = New PdfDocument() 'Set margins The reduction value Dim left As Single = -20 Dim right As Single = -20 Dim top As Single = -20 Dim bottom As Single = -20 'Calculate new page size Dim sizeF As SizeF = New SizeF(firstPage.Size.Width + left + right, firstPage.Size.Height + top +bottom) 'Loop through the original Pages in the document For i As Integer = 0 To originalPdf.Pages.Count - 1 span> 'Create a template based on a specific page span> Dim pdfTemplate As PdfTemplate = originalPdf.Pages(i).CreateTemplate() 'Add the page to new PDF Dim page As PdfPageBase = newPdf.Pages.Add(sizeF, New PdfMargins(0)) 'on the page Draw template pdfTemplate.Draw(page, left, top) Next 'Save new document newPdf.SaveToFile("Reduce page margins Distance.pdf" , FileFormat.PDF) End Sub End Class End Namespace
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1)”>Set the margin reduction value
Dim left As Single = –20
Dim right As Single = –20
Dim top As Single = –20
Dim bottom As Single = –20
‘Calculate new page size
Dim sizeF As SizeF = New SizeF(firstPage.Size.Width + left + right, firstPage.Size.Height + top +bottom)
‘Loop through the original Pages in the document
For i As Integer = 0 To originalPdf.Pages.Count – 1 span>
‘Create a template based on a specific page span>
Dim pdfTemplate As PdfTemplate = originalPdf.Pages(i).CreateTemplate()
‘Add the page to new PDF
Dim page As PdfPageBase = newPdf.Pages.Add(sizeF, New PdfMargins(0))
‘on the page Draw template
pdfTemplate.Draw(page, left, top)
‘Save new document
newPdf.SaveToFile(“Reduce page margins Distance.pdf“ , FileFormat.PDF)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
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