CommunityToolkit.Mvvm8.1 IOC dependency injection control inversion (5)
The CommunityToolkit.Mvvm package does not provide the ioc function, but the official recommendation is to use: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection uses IOC
nuget:Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection package
Definition and implementation of interfaces and services
public interface IBill
bool IsExistId ( string name );
string GetData ( string name );
public class BillService : IBill
public string GetData ( string name )
return string. Format( "name:{0}" , name );
public bool IsExistId ( string name )
return name == "qq";
App.xaml.cs registration
public partial class App : Application
/// Gets the current instance in use
public new static App Current => ( App ) Application. Current;
/// Gets the instance to resolve application services.
public IServiceProvider Services
public App ()
Services = ConfigureServices();
this. InitializeComponent();
private static IServiceProvider ConfigureServices()
var services = new ServiceCollection();
// Register Services
// Register Viewmodels
// Not every Viewmodels has to come to AddTransient, if Viewmodels don't need ioc, you don't need to register here
return services.BuildServiceProvider();
used in view
The binding method of the original view and viewmodel is changed as follows:
public partial class Window1 : Window
public Window1 ()
// this.DataContext = new WindowViewModel1(); This is unavailable, please use App.Current.Services.GetService
this.DataContext = App.Current.Services.GetService();
//Anywhere in the code, you can use App.Current.Services.GetService to get the service
//IFilesService filesService = App.Current.Services.GetService();
readonly Service.Service.IBill _IBill;
public WindowViewModel1 ( Service. Service. IBill iBill )
this._IBill = iBill;
[RelayCommand( CanExecute = nameof( CanButton ) )]
void ButtonClick()
//Click the button to modify the title
if ( this._IBill.IsExistId( Title ) )
Title = "qq" + this._IBill.GetData( Title );
Title = "qq";
this.DataContext = App.Current.Services.GetService();
//Anywhere in the code, you can use App.Current.Services.GetService to get the service
IFilesService filesService = App.Current.Services.GetService();
My SeriesA.Sql Server2005 Transact-SQL new weapon learning
B.MCAD learning
C.Code Reading Summary
D.ASP.NET State Management
E.DB (database)
I hope the knowledge mentioned above can give you some hints, and welcome to exchange and correct.
Author: aierong
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