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In the last blog, I installed an SSH server for Ubuntu 16.04. This blog mainly shows how to install the latest redis 5.0.8 on this system. The official address of redis is There are usually two ways to install software in Linux. The first is to install through the software management software of each operating system. For example, CentOS has the yum management tool, and Ubuntu has apt. However, since the update speed of Redis is relatively fast, and these management tools may not be updated to the latest version, and the installation of Redis itself is not very complicated, it is generally recommended to use the second method: the source code method for installation.
Download the source code compression package of the specified version of Redis to the current directory, decompress the Redis source code compression package, enter the redis directory, and compile
This command will put Redis related running files under /usr/local/bin/, so that Redis commands can be executed in any directory.
Default configuration start
The compiled binaries are now in the src directory. Run Redis with: $ src/redis-server
You can interact with Redis using the built-in client: $ src/redis-cli
Profile activation
Copy the redis.conf file under /opt/redis (there is a redis.conf default configuration file in redis) and modify it according to the actual situation