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This experience will introduce you to the download and installation steps of Apache under Windows, and I hope it will be helpful to your work and study!
- Download Apache
Download URL:
Click: File for Microsoft Windows
Click: ApacheHaus
Click to download the x64 version:
- Install Apache
After decompression, the name is Apache24 (customizable)
Open and find the conf directory, enter and find the configuration file httpd.conf, open it, change the service path and port, and configure as shown in the figure below:
After opening with Notepad++, modify Define SRVROOT to your installation directory:
Open the command prompt after successful modification:
An error occurred, Open the command line with an administrator command:
The installation was successful but an error occurred : Errors reported here must be corrected before the service can be started. And the server cannot be started normally. At this time, check the port information of httpd.conf (as follows)
Then check the port 80 information in the task manager:
is occupied, then port 80 is converted to port 8000:
Save the configuration file, and then use a browser to visit: http://localhost/ , successful access means the installation is successful!