chrome developer tools
Chapter 1
1. Development
netscape –livescript+sun=javascript
2. Features
Client-side scripting language, high security, embedded language, loose type (weak type), interpreted type.
3. Application
1. Industry style
3. In-page style
4. Web Standards
1. Structure: page entity HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
2. Performance: CSS (style sheet)
3. Behavior: DOM (JS Document Object Model)
****The result shows behavior, and the three are separated.
Chapter 2 Structural Language-HTML
1. Classification
XML: Extensible Markup Language
XHTML: Extensible Hypertext Markup Language
2. Grammar
… or
Former: General Tab
or: empty tag
note: Tags are not allowed to cross
3. Commonly used labels
1. Document structure class
: declare document type
: Declare the content of the document (visible)
: Declaration document information (not visible)
2. Section format label
: natural paragraph
: line break
: (i=1~6): text title (the smaller the value, the higher the level. body)
: horizontal dividing line
: text formatting tags (what you see is what you get)
3. Image tags
src path
alt text replacement
width wide
height high
4.**** list
1) Ordered list
- …
List Items
2) Unordered list
- …
List Items
3) Custom list
Custom List Items
5. Form
: table
: row
: cell
border: border
width: width (absolute unit (PX), relative unit (%))
Table height is determined by cell height.
href: link target.
target: the way to open the link target. (The _blank link target opens in a new window.)
7. Form. (control)
1. Form fields
2. Input controls
type attribute:
type=”text”: single-line text box.
type=”password”: mask
type=”radio” : radio button (control the uniqueness of the radio button through the ID and NAME attributes.)
type=”checkbox”: check box
type=”file” : file field
type=”submit” : submit button (value attribute: default value attribute, available for text, password, textarea, all buttons)
type=”reset” : reset button, clear the form (for elements in the form)
type=”button” : normal button
disabled: disabled
size : Control the width of the text box.
maxlength: the maximum number of characters.
3. Drop-down list box
: list item
selected : The drop-down list is selected by default.
size : Control the list height.
multiple : multiple selection (multiple selection)
4. Text field
rows: Control the number of lines in the text field. = height.
cols: Control the number of columns in the text field. = width.
Chapter 3 Cascading Style Sheets
1. CSS concept
1. Composition
selector, attribute value, value
2. Grammar format
selector { attribute: value; }
All symbols are English half-width, and numbers cannot be used as the first letter of the selector.
2. Selector classification****
1. Basic selector
1) Tag selector: Effective for similar tags, named after the tag name.
2) Class selector : for individual elements, across elements, 1: many. Custom name (declare with ., call with class).
3) id selector : for individual elements, 1:1, custom name. (declared with #, called by id)
Priority: id>class>label
2. Compound selector
1) Intersection selector: satisfy two conditions at the same time.
p.no2{} table.#abc{}
2) Union selector: group statement
3) Descendant selector: Find child elements by specifying ancestors, separated by spaces.
table h3{}
note: special selector
*: A wildcard selector, declare all � in the page��
note: only for objects
onscroll: when the scroll bar scrolls
onresize: when the window size changes
note: Only applicable to window objects.
DOM (Document Object Model)—node tree
1. Node classification
1. Element node label
2. Attributes in the attribute node tag
2. Text node continuous character string
2. The method of obtaining nodes
1. .getElementById(): uniqueness
.tagName : tag name
.id : ID value
.innerHTML : the content in the element node
.className : class name
.style : control appearance
2. .getElementsByTagName(‘tag name’): Get multiple tag elements and return an array collection
note: If you want to point accurately, you must cooperate with the array subscript.
.getElementsByTagNmae(‘tag name’)[0]
.getElementsByTagName(‘Tag Name’).Item(0)
3. .getElementsByName(‘name attribute value’) : Same as ByTagName
4. .getAttribute(): get attribute node
5. .setAttribute(‘attribute name’,’attribute name’) : set attribute node
note: Not supported below 4.5ie7
2. DOM node relationship (pointer)
1. Get child nodes: childNodes Use with subscripts
2. .firstChild : Get the first node childNodes[0]
3. .lastChild : Get the last node
4. .parentNode : point to the parent node of the current node
5. .previousSibling: parent node
6. .nextsibling : subordinate node
7. .ownerDocument : point to the root node ===document
8. .attributes : point to the attributes of the current node, and return an array object
Element — Tag Name Attribute — Attribute Name Text —#text
Element–1 Attribute–2 Text–3
Element–NULL Attribute–Attribute Value Text–String
Empty strings or newlines are considered text nodes by chrome and FF
3. Node operation add, apply, delete, copy, replace
1. Create a new node
1) document.write(“
“) : Disadvantage: unstable, in some cases, the output of this method will overwrite the original node
2) .createElement(‘tag name’)
2. Append a node to the end of a node: appendChild(‘node object’)
3. Create a text node: .createTextNode(“continuous string”)
note: The newly created nodes all reside in the cache, so use the insert method to insert them into the interface.
4. .insertBefore(‘node object’,’node position’): Insert a node before the node position
5. .replaceChild(‘new node’,’old node’) : replace the child node
6. .removeChild(‘node’) : delete child node
note: 5 and 6, in order to realize self-operation, the node pointer must be moved to the parent node for operation.
7. .cloneNode(‘bool’) : copy node
true: contains child nodes
false: does not contain child nodes, only structure
.hasChildNodes: Determine whether child nodes are included, and return a Boolean value